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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. So many questions and so much failure. From the gunman’s family life to the school’s lack of safety to the response time. I’m reserving final judgment until we have more data however.
  2. I have incredible self awareness. You know, what you call pomposity. 🙄 Dude here’s your MO. A topic comes up a few times a year that brings you down to the dungeon. You become hysterical, call people names (how old are you?) and when the 24 hour news cycle moves on another topic you disappear.
  3. No come on man. Say what’s on your mind. I’m extremely open minded and reasonable. And also have very strong convictions and opinions which you interpret to be a brick wall.
  4. Hopefully these *****wads in Washington will finally grow up and work together. I really ***** hate them all!
  5. Funny how you also can’t tell the difference between some BEING hysterical and someone laughing at you hysterically. 😂😂😂 Ill take pompous confidence over condescending any day of the week. Glad to see you admit who you really are.
  6. I’m condescending towards individuals such as you and Billy because based on history I feel you deserve it. But to be condescending to a whole group of people, 99.99% of them you don’t know or ever will know is what I was admonishing you for. If you’re too blind to understand the difference it’s on you not me. And I’m hysterical? It appears to me you don’t know what the word means.
  7. They weren’t able to stop him? He’s carrying a rifle into the school. I think a well placed headshot would have stopped him quite nicely no? Yes we need do wait but there so much commonality in these shootings. Because of that, in my opinion, they should be easier to prevent if those common red flags were acted upon.
  8. He’s not committed but he should be.
  9. Good job insulting 50% of the population which includes many of my friends and family that are believers. I assume you consider them a basket of deplorables too? 🙄 I got offended? 😂 Umm nope. Just wanted to know what you meant by saying “I’ll pray for your guns”? It’s was a very ambiguous statement and based on your post above I will add very condescending.
  10. Why. Does it confuse you there a conservative can also be a nonbeliever. And to believe there is no higher power to take care of me is the height of conservatism IMO
  11. Thanks but I’m a nonbeliever and praying doesn’t do jack *****.
  12. Emotional and hysterical? All over the place? Nope. Calm as a cucumber and on on point. I think you got the wrong guy. The irony of your post is off the charts. Carry on Hysterical Boy. 🙄
  13. Help himself? I’m afraid he’s beyond fixing this himself. His poor family needs an intervention.
  14. Symptoms of psychosis: Disorganized behavior, aggression, agitation, hostility, hyperactivity, hypervigilance, nonsense word repetition. Classic. Meds Billy Boy Meds. It’s gonna all be ok.
  15. Dead kids? Yeah sure but GEORGE FLOYD!! 🤦🏻‍♂️
  16. Geee none of us has wondered about this at all! Why don’t you tell us your thoughts.
  17. I’m pretty sure there are key phrases and pictures that many of these evil people posted on social media. Profiling works. Sarcasm is very hard to detect here. 😁
  18. Fair enough on the speed bumps but age restriction is likely going to accomplish the least of all the other options. Regarding the second part. Not sure about privacy rights. Posts on FB/Twitter/Instagram/Here are public domain no?
  19. NOTHING would be solved!! They most likely would have figured a way to carry out their acts regardless of age restrictions. It's the red flag ***** we have to figure out. TikTok's algorithm can nail the kind of content I'd love but we can't put two and two together on social media posts. ***** the disinformation/censorship bull####. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. should be involved in figuring out how to see these red flags and get them reported to the FBI.
  20. Yeah because once someone hits the age of 21....poof!! Violent tendencies just disappear. It's amazing. Raising the age will solve nothing....NOTHING!!!
  21. Did they block legislation due to those specific parts of the proposal or the proposal in total because if items in there they would not sigh off on?
  22. Not anymore. Sleep with the windows open with the guns locked away. But my past residence? Yes. Smart guy not tough guy.
  23. Who it was directed towards is irrelevant. It was the sentiment I was questioning.
  24. And vote often. 👍🏻
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