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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Not sure this is the right time for this. 😏
  2. If this is a reason to defeat incumbents not one in the country should be standing come the next elections. Good idea Dems! 🙄
  3. So Biden’s comments regarding .9mm? So no bans on handguns here? 🤔
  4. Damn straight.
  5. He’s not so much a troll as a psychotic. Do yourself a favor. Ignore him.
  6. So they won’t be prosecuted here in CA for home invasions? 🙄
  7. And people scream it’s the ease of availability of firearms as the reason. Up to 40 or so years ago (maybe even more recently) you could buy firearms via catalogs such as Sears. No background checks. No waiting period (other then the time it to to be delivered) and no school shootings. So can anyone advocating for more restrictions explain this?
  8. I have no clue but I assume you’ll tell me. 😁
  9. Well the billionaires in Beverly Hills are getting robbed. Like when they asked one of Attica’s most famous residents Willie Sutton why he robbed banks. He said “it because that’s where the money is.
  10. I was one of those living in an unsafe area. Why we purchased our first guns. And this is a home that Zillow values at $1.4m. We paid $450k for it 10 years ago. So you can be unsafe anywhere. Look at all the home invasion or follow home robberies in places like Beverly Hills. So they expect us to not be able to defend ourselves?
  11. I’d sue Billy Boy when someone breaks in and kills my wife because I had no ammo to protect her but I doubt he’s smart enough to have any money.
  12. And what about the guy who breaks in my house to rob me that I kill before he kills my wife or me. Would that make me a small-dick coward?
  13. On what grounds? Again did Nicole Brown Simpson’s family sue the knife manufacturer. No they went after the guy who used the knife in a manner it was never intended to be used.
  14. Mmmhmmm this makes sense. We don't want teachers to groom our kids mean we should fear they're going to kill them.
  15. So your only solution is to get rid of all guns? That should take about 1,500 years. You said we need a peaceful society. Guns do not make up society people do. But guns are peaceful. Mine are sitting locked away not bothering anyone as we speak.
  16. We need to have Scott work on the feature for mobile devices.
  17. The 16 billion dollar question which we all know is what happened since I was in school in the 60’s and 70’s? The number of pick ups in the school student parking lot with gun racks in the back which were usually loaded and the vehicle unlocked? In my mind part of it is that kids today have become numb to violence. I’d like to know how many of these school shooters spent endless hours playing video games where the goal was to kill as many people as possible. It’s much deeper than that but I wouldn’t be surprised if it had a lot to do with it.
  18. Mmhmm sure Scott. Look at the number of replies. 😏
  19. Wait….so it’s not all about BBQ? I feel so ashamed. 😔
  20. The ***** loaded a washer a dryer and the egg in his smallish SUV. I thought no way in hell!!! Got all three in with 3/4” to spare. The Egg was strapped in riding shotgun.
  21. Holy crap!! Just when you thought your government couldn’t get any dumber. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  22. You know that post of mine quoting yours that ended in one of these squiggly things (?). 🙄
  23. He’ll have to either contact the guy I sold it to and talk to him about buying it or break into his backyard and steal it. Seeing the guy spoke no English (the transaction was hilarious) Gug will most likely have to go with option 2.
  24. After he posted he was going to shoot his grandmother and then posts he shot his grandmother. Answer the question.
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