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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Asked for advice on a sub-forum of a sports message board.
  2. My once and always female sister competed against men in tennis in HS during the 70' seeing there was no women's team. And yes she won several matches against men.
  3. This is classic hypocrisy? Wow you really got those right wingers.
  4. I had a conversation with someone on TikTok or somewhere. They said "you're likely the kind of person that refers to a cat as she and a dog as he!" I said "cats and dogs don't give a rats ass what you call them. All they want is unconditional love. Be more like a cat or dog!" Funny, they had no reply. Regarding being inconvenienced. I don't navigate any of that. I do me and this may sound cruel but I really don't give a ***** about what they want me to call them. As the comedian Steven Hughes said "when did sticks and stones may break my bones stop being relevant?" But god doesn't exist so neither do transgender people How about that logic Tibsy my boy?
  5. If anyone need more you can have mine seeing I don’t need it. I haven’t given a s**t in quite some time. 😏
  6. That dude has to go. We knew he was trouble when he was SF DA when we lived there. I will my best to never spend a penny in that city/county.
  7. We really considered FL for our retirement. We are ok with the tropical heat/humidity. We lived in Miami for a bit 40 years ago before we got married. Travel to the Caribbean, or favorite part of the world, would be so much easier. No income tax and a more Conservative government. But the one thing that had us choose CA are the bugs. Can't stand mosquitos or roaches and as you know CA is pretty free of bugs. I see those screened in pools and I just hate that look. Oh BTW you had me worried for a bit there. I know you post early but this was a record for you. Thought you were still in CA. LOL
  8. Biden: "And I sat with a trauma doctor, and I asked him—I said, 'What's the difference?'... I said, 'Why are they dying?' And they showed me x-rays. He said, 'A .22-caliber bullet will lodge in the lung, and we can probably get it out, may be able to get it, and save the life. A 9mm bullet blows the lung out of the body.' Biden: “So the idea of these high-caliber weapons is of—there's simply no rational basis for it in terms of thinking about self-protection” Sorry Joe protecting myself by blowing the *****’s lung out is not only rational but required. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  9. Well with these levels of inflation lunches are expensive.
  10. I was kidding. Of course I have lots of good ideas. 😁 I missed you quoting me. Sorry.
  11. Perfect example of when someone says “there are no dumb questions” they are WRONG!
  12. My idea?? I don’t have any ***** ideas. Now I’m confused. 😂
  13. But you were all over the place. You replied to my post about Trudeau wanting to ban handguns as “on a national scale a great place to start.” Then I ask you to clarify what you mean by a great place to start you reply with “sensible gun legislation.” So putting those two statements together I came to the conclusion you feel that banning handguns is sensible gun legislation even though you’re not for the banning of handguns. Hence my conclusion you sound confused. Either that or you’re just not good at making your point. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  14. But you did say no one should need a handgun for personal protection correct? Yes you used the words “in a perfect world”. But that world does not exist. I know it’s a complex situation but you sound confused.
  15. No one should need a gun for personal protection? In an ideal world? So we’re back Utopia. That world does not exist here in the US and never will. I take the protection of my and my wife’s lives seriously because if I don’t who will. This is the reason I bought my first firearms 10 years ago. So you advocate for me to no longer be able to protect myself?
  16. Trudeau said other than using firearms for sport shooting and hunting there is no reason ANYONE should need a gun. That shows me he has no clue as to why so many people own guns. So there is no one that owns a handgun for personal protection?
  17. I want to make sure we are debating the same point. When you say this seems like a great place to start what are you referring to?
  18. I worked for a company whose motto was "Only Perfect Will Do!" Talk about setting people up for failure. So what's the towards the impossible process look like? How close do you want to get to it?
  19. Ideals will turn unrealistic tasks to realistic tasks? So how's life in Utopia? I've heard so much about it.
  20. Well if it's not realistic what's the point? And looking to Canada to "fix" this problem is the biggest unrealistic part of this whole conversation.
  21. Why? Is this what you'd like for the US? "Other than using firearms for sport shooting and hunting, there is no reason anyone in Canada should need guns in their everyday lives," Do you agree with this statement from Trudeau?
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