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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. So you know the mental background/state of everyone you associate with? 😏
  2. Seriously? So you can give your weapon to any drug addicted/schizophrenic/psychotic/depressed.......(take your pic) person? Yes please!!
  3. Not knowing your age it's hard to say but pulling your money out of the market is one of the most irrational things you can do. You have to be right twice when even the best are many times not right once. You have to be right when to get out and the most crucial part is when to get back in. And good job of brining up the "blame Biden" ***** when I the only person I blamed on this was YOU! Carry on partisan assumption boy!
  4. George Bush planted the bombs? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  5. Lighten up Bob. I speak not in a manner to make fun of you. That remark came from personal experience. 😎 Sure does. Of course you won’t see this.
  6. He doesn’t need his heart checked. It’s the THC addling his brain.
  7. You pulled money out of the Market when Covid hit? Good job. Sell low buy high? Is that your motto?
  8. Why did they hold this summit in a third world s***hole? What? It was LA? Never mind.
  9. So you vote based on looks? So I guess color and gender IS important to some. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Heartthrob. 🙄 The left is so ***** up.
  10. Now this is funny. I follow him on Tiktok and saw one of his videos pop up last night and was going to share it here. 😂 BTW he’s a teacher. 😃
  11. Ours were locked in a bolted down safe when we were not home. As soon as we got home they came out. Oakland was a wonderful place to live. However doubling the value of our house in 5 years there did allow us to retire without a mortgage.
  12. People who commit mass murder almost always telegraph it.
  13. Emotional? Nope! Logical. You focus on age I’ll focus on mental/psychological instability. You know the real problem. Monitor away. If that’s your worry that the government will drop the ball? If they do on this one they lose their ***** jobs. We hold their cushy lifestyle in our hands. And just so you know this is a problem that will NEVER be solved.
  14. Well I've missed your VERY specific suggestions. What will raising the age do? I'll answer that. Not a goddamn thing. But you'll feel good about it so I guess it's something. It ain't the age. It's the mental state of the person purchasing and holding a weapon. That needs to be checked and monitored. And there's our problem right there. When mental health causes twice as many deaths via firearms (how many suicides use other means?) this NEEDS to be the major focus of any gun legislation.
  15. Oh so you want more specific talking points? BTW I've seen nothing from you either. You're free anytime you like to list your specific proposals. Ok here you go. 1. A universal background check instead of state by state. You asked for who? Anyone purchasing a weapon. Any future weapon purchases. And must be renewed bi-annually. The process? A. Criminal Background. Any violent felonies equals immediate decline B. Mental health background check. I'm not in a position to determine what specific mental illnesses should be looked at but I'd look at schizophrenia and major depression. You have major depression you'll likely be denied life insurance. Why? You go off your meds you are a candidate for suicides. We want to reduce those too don't we? C. A weapons course certificate before applying. Renewed bi-annually in order to renew permit. 2. Scan of all social media posts via an AI system that will need to be developed for red flags. Once permit is issued the scan is reran constantly. This shouldn't be hard to develop. Hell TikTok's AI is freaky accurate. That's a start. Feel free to add anything. Or you can continue to B word.
  16. Here we go folks. TH3 advocating for assassinating supreme court justices who go against public opinion.
  17. Make sure the map lines go around my pool. ***** y'all!
  18. Your Ilk? Please define this so called Ilk you are so thoroughly enamored with.
  19. You don't see the difference it the words they both chose?
  20. Talking points are not serious? Every law, rule, restriction, employee do’s and don’ts start as talking points. That’s the process. 🙄
  21. Except Trump used the word peacefully. So if you don’t see the difference I can’t help you. 🙄
  22. Holy *****. Schumer said that? 😳
  23. Sorry it didn’t work out for you. Maybe next time.
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