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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Like any Non-American I'm focusing only on the things I can control And this, by far, ain't one of them. I couldn't care less about any of this *****.
  2. Brilliant!
  3. And it’s not like they’re kicking the can down the road for next members of Congress to deal with seeing for so many it’s a decades long gig. They just don’t care.
  4. The left loves diversity except when it comes to diversity of thought. Masters of hypocrisy.
  5. If we have not seen a viable third party in the past 5 or so years we never will.
  6. Beer? Now I don’t drink much at all anymore but……BEER! Give us your favorite(s) here.
  7. Oh this won’t age well. Not at all. 😂
  8. Those evil capitalists. 😂😂😂 How’s your 401k done since you first set it up? You know who you can thank for that. Oooooh evil. I’m not converging. I’m evil. Make me money. Just don’t kill any babies. But then again I hear that’s good business practice these days Not rude. Just clueless. 😂😂
  9. New campaign song? Running on Empty. Look around for the friends that I used to turn to to pull me through Looking into their eyes, I see them running too Yeah that’s about right.
  10. Sorry adds EV after gas powered instead of vehicle. No they are seeing Biden’s policies as their death knell and they are making money for their investors while they can. You know what publicly traded companies goal is. Sorry you don’t know what that that saying means. 🙄 $ vs % is very confusing to the uneducated.
  11. It has NOTHING to do with MY point. I'm not a parrot. I understand it's a very complex situation. My point was this, and this only, that a mere 2 years ago he was saying how difficult he was going to make drilling on us soil and offshore. Now he's changed his tune. You know. You're typical politician who will say anything to get elected. Nothing more nothing less.
  12. Maybe they should be registered. Why is this a deal breaker for 2A supporters. Oh no!! The nearest FFL is 20 miles away?? This can't be done remotely? Of course criminals won't register anything. You can't prevent them from having guns. It's the mass shootings we're looking at here right? Mass murderers like we've seen lately are, for the most part, law abiding citizens who have major mental issues. We'll never get weapons out of the hands of criminals. That's nearly impossible. Keeping them out of people with mental issues can be helped with background checks for ALL gun transactions. Even private ones. Again you are all for background checks except when it inconveniences you. Pretty selfish of you. Selling a weapon to someone who should never have a weapon to begin with (if they had gone through a background check) is a right? Seriously?? Owning a gun is a right. We're talking about selling one. See the difference. So you should know for a fact there are people out there that shouldn't own a gun. Those people could potentially be weeded out with a proper background check. But you're against certain background checks. Those that inconvenience YOU! Get a clue. I am a gun owner.
  13. The numbers have zero to do with this. It's the fact that Biden campaigned on greatly reducing us oil production and then when prices skyrocket he "begs" the oil companies to raise their output. If that doesn't make you bash your head against the wall I can't help you. But why are oil companies showing record profits? Well it could be because with an all out war on fossil fuels they may be seeing their business model becoming extinct. The whole make hay as the sun shines. To be honest I don't know if I blame them even though we are all the ones that suffer. We may get to a point where both EV's and gas powered EV's become too expensive to operate. Fun times.
  14. What if you’re late for class? They ***** shoot you duh.
  15. I heard that this morning and I’ve had ice on my forehead all day from banging it against the wall. Good lord.
  16. They never do man. Why this place ***** sucks bad sometimes. Backed the dude into a corner and he came out triggered instead of debating.
  17. ####### much. Damn ***** right. So you're all for background checks as long as it doesn't inconvenience you. It's not practical to have background checks? Bull ***** *****! We make it practical. Here's how. 1. All transfers of weapons (sold of gifted) must be re-registered which includes a background check. How many vehicles have you sold on the street and had to make sure it was re-registered to the new owner? This just adds a background check to the process. It's a process that is easy to implement. Do you really want a weapon with your name on it being sold to someone/anyone who could use it for who knows what? I'd want my ***** name off of that weapon ASAP. 2. First offense for non-compliance $100k fine (or something sizeable) and 6 months in jail and if the weapon is used in commission of a felony the punishment is exponentially higher. Sorry I triggered you. Thank you for your service but it doesn't put you on a high ***** horse. I wasn't talking just PTSD I said PTSD AND on meds. I know you stick up for your bothers but they are not squeaky clean when it comes to mass shootings. Google Ian David Long. https://www.citywatchla.com/index.php/cw/important-reads/21426-at-least-36-of-mass-shooters-have-been-trained-by-the-u-s-military Are background checks a way to keep weapons out of the hands of criminals and seriously mentally ill people? One last question. If I'm mentally unstable and want to shoot up a shopping mall but I know if I go to a sporting good store I now I'll be denied due to my background. So I put out my feelers and find that you have a weapon for sale so I just buy it from you. Now I have my weapon and can go shoot up a shopping mall. Are you cool with this?
  18. You know them?? You didn’t answer question. It wasn’t rhetorical. Do you, for a fact, know your USMC buddy does or does not suffer from PTSD and is on medications. Yes or no. And if he his should he be allowed to purchase a weapon. Not practical? Awww poor baby. You need to have him fill out paperwork to purchase your weapon. This has NOTHING to do with criminals. This is about keeping weapons out is the hands of those with mental illnesses. Do not say “don’t blame the gun, blame the person” but turn around and sell your weapon to any person who you THINK you know. How many neighbors of these crazies say “but he seemed like a nice quiet guy.”?
  19. So there is talk among AOC and others on the left to levy SS tax on investment income. Bad bad idea. Most retirees have some of their income from their investments. For instance IRA distributions. There are ways to help shore up SS but this ain’t one of them.
  20. Are you for or against background checks for all transactions? I take it no. Why are your transactions any different from gun shops? Because you “know” them? Again….you know them? How well? Do you know whether or not your USMC suffers major PDST and is in major depression meds? Your UHAUL analogy is asinine but hopefully you know this
  21. Excellent. So what process do you go through when you sell them a weapon to ensure they are mentally stable or won’t use your weapon nefariously? I’m a classically trained Chef but I can’t tell what you had for dinner by looking at you.
  22. So you went from pulling all your money out of the market to heavily rebalancing….whatever that means. 🙄
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