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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I'm not focusing on the fiscal policy at all. I'm focusing on the whining vs the winning. For the whiners. How does this matter to you? What direct affect does this have on your taxes? As for those calling it a win? It ain't. It's all stupid optics.
  2. I don't know man. I love my wings but hate the orange fingers after. I have to find a restroom ASAP to hose my hands off. It's gross.
  3. Not sure what I'm looking at but why would be get a refund for being a dumbass? It looks frozen? It's called a photograph. Pho-to-graph....
  4. Redistribution. Good lord. No it’s pandering for votes plain and simple. It’s all ***** theater.
  5. Again dude they don’t give a *****. The government doesn’t run on a balance sheet like the real world. If they don’t “steal” enough the just print more. Wake up.
  6. 115 tomorrow in the desert and I’m lovin’ it!!
  7. Seriously? You think the government has or cares about accounts receivable? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  8. I paid off my loan. I’m not pissed. Rules and laws change all the time. So what. Some people will now have $100 or more a month to spend. Big deal. Good for them. It’s those that come after. “What about us?!?!” Just wait. You’ll get yours in 2024. I just laugh at those that gobble this up as some great thing.
  9. And as I’ve mentioned in the past those loans have long been spent by the universities on Champagne and Caviar. People that say “we are stuck paying for these loans!!” are idiots too. Paying for them? What? No one’s paying for them. They are just being wiped off the Fed’s Accounts Receivable. It’s all ***** Monopoly money. Those of you with children yet to go to college? YOU however should be ***** livid!
  10. Kids! Get out and get some sun. The sun is good for you!
  11. No just this year. It will likely be “readdressed” in 2024 for some reason or another. 🙄 Again this does as good a job of making college more affordable (which is the actual issue) as the ACA made healthcare more affordable. Those cheering this on as something good are either partisan hacks, not very bright, very gullible or a combination of the three.
  12. Of course not. Anyone not yet in college is going into the same situation. Outrageous college tuition costs that they will likely go into deep debt for. This maneuver is like your boss telling you you’re getting a promotion and a big fat raise. Then after you’ve excitedly told your family and friends you go back to work Monday to your boss clarifying. “Oh I’m sorry. It’s only for the month of September. Come October you’re back to your ***** job with ***** pay. And the slow witted gobble this ***** up. I believe Tibs has me blocked so he won’t see this. Will someone ask him why he thinks this is “fine”. BTW the word “fine” is far from a rousing endorsement. 😂
  13. Well as Attica’s most famous resident Willy Sutton answered when asked why he robbed banks. “It’s because that’s where the money is!”
  14. So should we give clearance to bank robbers to run banks because they are familiar with the layout? LOL
  15. Ok so this may exclude some of you but let's look at this logically. This is nothing but smoke and mirrors or a shell game. Take your pick. The money being forgiven has already been spent by the Universities on Champagne and caviar. All this is is the Feds erasing the amounts off the governments Accounts Receivable part of their balance sheet if they had one. Which of course they don't so it's just piled on the deficit. So will this help with inflation? Nope. I know no one said it would but inflation is the biggest concern today, as is should be, and adding to the deficit at this time is a bad idea. So let's dig into this a bit deeper. The ONLY people that will benefit from this are "lower" income people with student loan debt. Hey good for them. But how about little Mary and Jonny who are in 10th grade and need to fund THEIR college in a few yearS. How does this help them? Well of course it doesn't. They'll be forced into the skyrocketing cost of college. THIS DOES NOT FIX THE PROBLEM! This is just a stupid way for the government to think it's doing good when all it's doing is.....well it's doing NOTHING. Carry on kids.
  16. When you have nothing else…..yeah. I didn’t even want to address the idiotic comparison. I considered the source and moved on.
  17. So you agree with something you don’t understand. 🙄 Let me ask you. Only 15% of the tax cuts went to people making $75k or less. What percentage of the federal taxes collected come from that group of people? I’ll save you the trouble. It’s a lot less than 15% so they came out ahead. So here’s a tip. Think before you agree with Billy Boy ok.
  18. I won’t be around as much as I used to be. Retirement is way too enjoyable to spend it with knuckleheads.
  19. Ok Chef Jim, the numbers guy, is back. Let’s run the numbers shall we. So by reducing the average student loan debt by $10k it will save the borrower $100 per month. Woohoo!! This is nothing but midterm optical BS. I wonder what the cost will be to restructure all those loans? 🤦🏻‍♂️ And this will do NOTHING to address the problem regarding the high cost of a college education. If anything it will likely embolden universities to charge even more for college.
  20. Tell me you don't know anything about I Bonds without telling us you know nothing about I Bonds. Oh BTW the reason they look so "juicy" to nimrods like you is due to our high inflation. Woohoo....that's some juicy ***** right there baby.
  21. Hey do me a big favor and explain what this means Share of benefit from TCJA individual income tax provisions in 2018, by expanded cash income level (2017 dollars) Once you explain it tell me how those numbers were calculated. Aaaaaaaand GO!!
  22. I see. So you agree that the line that Trump ONLY cut taxes for the rich is a lie? I know that's not what you said but it's pretty safe to say that's what you were insinuating. What group of people benefited the most from the doubling of the Standard Deduction? Who did SALT hurt the most?
  23. Nah that ship has sailed. They’ve made they money in RE and will soon start dumping. They’re going after small businesses. Private equity is smart.
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