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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Oh this is easy. I’ll take this one Tibs 1. He’s a Democrat 2. He’s not Trump That is all. Carry on.
  2. Or educate people on the forgiveness plans that are already in place.
  3. So “The Speech” was a success. Good job Mr President.
  4. That thread could go on for a very long time. And that is how we should all respond to “The Speech”. Cooler (and stronger) heads will prevail.
  5. No but they are who the Dems are afraid of. Or more importantly who they are goading into doing something stupid. I left college with $5k in student loan debt with an AOS. I’m now retired early. College can be a massive waste of money.
  6. Well not so sure. It’s the poor angry right wing trailer trash with a gun they hate the most.
  7. And to tell you the truth it’s a good strategy. And if the right had any kind of leadership they’d be out there saying:
  8. Can someone explain to my why someone making $250k a year needs to have their student loan forgiven? I’m mean a real good reason other than “hey! The Dems need votes this November!”
  9. You bring up a very good point. Speech writers are paid a lot of money and given a lot of free rein when designing a speech. They use words and optics to paint a picture and send a message. I’m thinking the whole purpose of the rhetoric in this speech was to goad the right into doing something really stupid. I’m thinking (and hoping) this backfires terribly.
  10. You obviously know very little about me. Now on to my question you did a wonderful job of dodging. Did our leader do anything to bring this country together (which we are in terrible need of) the other night and if so point to those parts of that speech.
  11. So we agree that the divisiveness sucks. Did our President do anything to change that last night or do you think he did a little flame fanning? I think you’re just a tad confused regarding who is running the divide and conquer campaign.
  12. What would it matter to me? Seriously? This decisiveness sucks. A good leader would address this and provide solutions. But if you’re good with the status quo….carry on. Middle aged bigots? How bigoted of you. 🙄
  13. Did he offer up any solutions or is that not refreshing enough for you?
  14. From the speech: Now, I want to be very clear, very clear up front. Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans. Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology. I know, because I’ve been able to work with these mainstream Republicans. But there’s no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans. And that is a threat to this country. Which is it Joe? Not a majority or dominated by? These were back to back sentences.
  15. Other than that Mrs Buftex, how was the speech?
  16. The proof Trump took documents has nothing to do with my point. My speculation is based on human nature especially the human nature of the type of person that gets into politics. If you think no politician has ever taken confidential documents I think you're being extremely naive.
  17. So according to NBC only people of color live in poor/underserved communities. https://www.nbcnews.com/business/consumer/bank-america-zero-down-payment-mortgage-first-time-buyers-details-rcna45662
  18. Please counselor. Would you identify to the court what Q Circles I run in? Until you can we’re pretty much done here. For someone who likes to throw out the term hoax you sure spew a lot of them.
  19. Unheard of? Yes, but why? You trust every President? Vice President? Member of Congress? They almost all have access to some level is confidential information/documentation and not one had never taken any of it out of the sacred halls of government? That Trump is the only one who has been investigating for this? Gullibility is a real bad trait as a lawyer.
  20. Up until recently we, as the general public, had no proof Trump had taken classified documents. The point was to open that up for discussion regarding the possibility that this may be common. And you just assume my point for bringing this up was to make this regarding Trump “no big deal”. You can join @SectionC3 in the very wrong assumption room. Good job.
  21. And your point? I only come here for my amusement not yours. Now you’re getting it. I really think this has been the whole motive behind all this. To get the far right whack jobs to show their ugly side so the left can point and say “SEE!!! This is what we warned you about!”
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