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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Billy Boy couldn't so maybe you can. Please define MAGA in your own words so we can have a dialogue as to why you (I assume) feel it's a threat to our democracy.
  2. If Joe gets the nomination what does this say about the state of Democrat leadership? But the moronic “but Trump Trump Trump!!!” In 3…2…1…
  3. To you and the rest of the critical thinking challenged. 😏
  4. Well let’s clarify. Why are you for a $7 increase but against a 42% increase?
  5. Math is not your strong suit is it? What a ***** tool.
  6. Do we have numbers from before the speech? You missed this gem….. Fifty-nine percent of respondents said Biden's speech will further divide the country,
  7. For a guy who posts a lot on a football message board seems to know very little about it. 😁
  8. To live in CA you NEED to be extremely wealthy doesn’t sound like a general statement. Most of the people I know that have left or that are considering leaving have more to do with the politics and CA turning into a third world shithole in many places than not being able to afford it. But I guess that’s because I hang around with extremely wealthy people like me. 😉
  9. 1. I see. This is why people are fleeing CA and NY for places like TX and FL? Explain that “phenomenon” please. 2. So you have no answer? That’s fine. Just say so. But the first step to fixing something like this is to understand why it’s happening in the first place. 3. So you feel raising the pay for FF workers by 42% is good or bad for inflation?
  10. And we must do something!! Superman!! Move the earth father from the sun!! Nothing can be done. So enjoy the wonderful warm weather. The hottest temp ever recorded on earth was 134 in Death Valley in…….1913.
  11. Funny you should bring up inflation while talking about raising minimum wage. How do wages affect inflation? You do understand the grownups are talking about CA minimum wage right? Couple questions. 1. Why, with the huge disparity of cost of living from state to state, do we have a federal minimum wage 2. Why increase the minimum wage only for fast food workers? How would you feel if you were a person stocking shelves at Walmart?
  12. He had lived on his own for several years now. It’s an assisted living community and my sister and BIL are now retired so they spend a lot of time taking care of him.
  13. What is one of the reasons for inflation which is now economic enemy #1? I’ll give you a hint. It’s something you’re rooting for in this thread. 😏 Hope you weren’t using any electricity between 4 and 10. 😏
  14. That’s because between 4pm and 10pm (used to be 9pm) California turns into a third world country. Do you think this is a good thing?
  15. To be fair the gas tax increase was an automatic thing which Newsom was against. Now, did he or anyone else do anything about it other than “here have some money?” No.
  16. When they ban foie gras only criminal Chefs will have foie gras.
  17. My question was why only fast food? They first have to define what is fast food? What if I work at a Michelin Stared restaurant but I can get that Seared Wagu filet mignon with foie gras, fingerling potatoes and a Marchand du vin sauce out lickety split can I get $22 an hour? If I’m in retail I’m pissed. Are you required to be a total fool to get into politics?
  18. More art critics will Make America Great Again? Huh. I’m not sure about that. But seriously stop. You’re embarrassing yourself. Sorry I bothered.
  19. All the more impressive on the old man.
  20. That’s you definition of MAGA? Ok…so you really don’t know anything about it. But I was actually looking for YOU to define it. When YOU hear the term Make America Great Again what comes to YOUR mind?
  21. I try not to bag on Joe's age because we're all heading in that direction. And I, for one, hope I make it.
  22. So you either can’t or are afraid to give us YOUR definitions of MAGA and Conservatism? I suspected as much. Sounds like you have no clue what you’re arguing against.
  23. Rabbit hole? You brought it up. Looking for clarification. Please explain what makes MAGA fascist? Most conservatives believe in MAGA. And this leads me to believe you have no clue what MAGA or Conservatism is. You don’t even know what you’re arguing about. So let’s start with this. 1. Define conservatism 2. Define MAGA And if you hide behind you chicken ***** “rabbit hole” remark we’re done.
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