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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. No need. 😁
  2. Bail requirements, like the abortion issue, is something I struggle with. Holding someone in jail who cannot afford the bail requirements is akin to guilty until proven innocent. However we can’t just let them loose. The bail is a way to get them to show up for their trial but many just skip out as a cost of doing business. This will be a good exercise to see what happens.
  3. They may have a point with referring to the ultra ultra far right as fascists but MAGA? But it’s a minuscule group. That is first off laughable and second borderline slanderous. Most of the people I know who embrace MAGA are just ordinary conservatives. White, black, brown, male, female. It really pisses me off that the leader of the free world and his supporters have demonized this group of people.
  4. Nah you didn’t. You linked to some dumbass Twits that show you don’t know what I means especially when you say…. Fascists like me. BOO!! 😂😂😂 Sorry I engaged with you and, as always, exposed you as they raging psychotic you are. Seriously, when you have several people here telling you to get help I suggest you take our advice. Later dude. You’ve lost….again.
  5. Ha! When I was back last month someone mentioned Nino’s. I was WTF?? Nino’s is still there?
  6. My fascism? Ha. Because I consider myself a MAGA Trump supporter? That automatically makes me a fascist. You can’t even tell me what MAGA means to you. I gave you nearly a dozen bullet points as to what makes me a MAGA supporter. None of which makes me a fascist. Again I interact with MAGA supporters almost every day. You on the other hand obviously never do. So I ask you again. In your own words, not some Twit for Brains words. Yours. What makes MAGA fascist?
  7. But I’m a dyed in the wool Trump MAGA supporter. Kinda puts a damper on your and Joe’s MAGA Republicans are evil fascists doesn’t it? You and Joe have no clue what MAGA is. Well I think Joe does. He’s smarter than you. He knows how to lie and drum up support for the Dems by riling up the troops And he needs an enemy and he invented one. And you lap it up. Conned by an old man with apparent cognitive problems. Doesn’t say much about you. 😏
  8. So you freak out about MAGA demonizing people. Isn’t that what our President did in his Philadelphia speech. Convince me I’m wrong. Ball in your court. Funny someone who spends countless hours on a politics board complains about politicians playing politics. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  9. Again that’s right wing extremist not MAGA. Get your ass off the Twit For Brains machine and talk to some MAGA supporters to see who they/we really are. I’m MAGA and I gave you my list. Let me see yours.
  10. Of course they won't be sacked. The Administration, for whatever reason, likely thinks they did a fantastic job.
  11. No. In Attica. The Theater Restaurant. Used to be the old movie theater. Next to Nick's Pizzeria. Fun times!
  12. But divide and conquer is supposed to divide your enemy against itself not strengthen it against you.
  13. It gets cold here in the desert come winter. 😫
  14. Did you ever have my dad’s?
  15. And you're basing this on what exactly? BTW which of it do YOU disagree with and why?
  16. MAGA is..... 1. Take care of you and your family first. Once you've done that then take care of others mainly through giving and charity. Do not rely on anyone else, especially the government to take care of you 2. Smallish/limited government. 3. Lower taxes. Allow citizens to keep more of their own money to do with as the wish. Do not trust the government to do what's right with your money 4. A strong military to protect our citizens here and our interests abroad 5. Many are very religious. I am an non-believer but will never hold their beliefs against them. But many of the religious ones are very much believers in we are all created equal. 6. Secure borders. And not to keep people we don't like out. To control the population of this country. We feel the biggest issue (just look at CA's electricity grid) is we have way too many people. Also there are many bad characters on our southern border who deal in drugs (my point about how much fentanyl gets through) and human trafficking. 7. A strong police force but will not stand for them over stepping their bounds. They are part of the government after all 8. The ability to keep firearms. But we need to work on keeping those only in the hands of sane and law abiding citizens. The sane part is a lot easier than the law abiding citizens 9. Many believe the 2020 election was fishy. I believe ALL elections are fishy. This one was no different 10. Bring back manufacturing to the US. We're tired of China having us by the balls. 11. And saved the lest for last. Have no patience for weenies such as yourself who have no idea who we are and what we stand for. Pretty much off the top of my head. Now where did I learn this? From interacting on an almost daily basis with red hat wearing MAGA supporters. Now I want YOUR list and where you learned what MAGA supporters are to you.
  17. I worked at my dad's restaurant in the mid 70's when wings were just becoming a "thing". I loved his wings. They were (if memory serves me) some of the best wings I ever had. I asked him where he got the wing sauce recipe. I asked and asked and he just smiled. Never told me where he got it. Well one day I'm breaking down the Durkee Hot Sauce (I think it was Durkee not Frank's) boxes. On the side of the box was.....you guessed it. "Dad's" wing sauce recipe. His name was Richard and everyone called him Dick. LOL!
  18. I had the game on. Didn't watch it super close but had it on in the background. This, and ONLY this, is the reason they won.
  19. You love to throw out non sequiturs. What makes what I said a hoax?
  20. Remind me of your definition. I probably missed it. It will expose me as what?
  21. MAGA ain't the fringe you dolt. You have no idea what MAGA is do you. Many Trump supporting Conservatives are MAGA. Right wing extremists are NOT MAGA. This is where you are wrong in your thinking. But that's because you follow a leader who WANTS you to believe that MAGA = Right Wing extremists. You swallowed his speech hook, line and sinker.
  22. So wait. You're ok with Biden calling out a good portion of the country as fascists but have a problem when numbskulls on the right do it? I hope you understand how ***** ridiculous this sounds?
  23. I'm not. This is not about me and my definition. It's about yours. This is how our conversation started. With me trying to understand your major concern. You and your friends on the left are the ones terrified of them but you seem not to be able to define what it is. What are you all so afraid of? What was Biden talking about when he mentioned the term MAGA 15 times and MAGA Republicans 11 times? Can you define what he and you are afraid of? Ok let me help you out here. You look at right wing extremist and immediately point at them and say "oh, oh, oh....MAGA!!" That would be like me pointing at BLM or even ATIFA and saying "oh oh oh, No More Malarkey Democrats." See I'm smart enough to know the difference. You on the other hand..........
  24. No good point. So I've changed my mind. I give a HUGE ***** about the media coverage.
  25. I don't give a flip about the media coverage. I do care about this whole racism thing were there is none. And I meant the school owes the student an apology. Again i don't care about the media so I also don't care about them issuing an apology or not.
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