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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. 75% of those are very ambiguous. Made America stronger? WTF does that even mean? It can't be quantified so it's a useless remark. EDIT: Make that 100% ambiguity.
  2. Then what was the purpose of sending them to ONLY sanctuary cities and not spread out among other areas of the US? See above.
  3. In 2011 my wife became very ill. High fever, terrible night sweats, lungs filled with fluid, many of the same symptoms of Covid. It was horrible. Thought she was going to die. This lasted 3 months. They were unable to diagnose it at all. They drained her lungs twice with the second time pulling a liter of fluid and said if it didn’t get better after that to rush her to the ER. Well that cleared it up and no issues since. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  4. Well for one not act like a child and ship the migrants off to sanctuary cities. How about use this as a rally for the mid terms and the 2024 election. Let the GOP regain control and allow them to work on border security. I know this doesn’t solve the problem of today but this has been decades in the making.
  5. How can they not be a pawn?? Let me ask you was his done to make a political statement? Yes or no?
  6. FTA One Twitter user responded with a succinct summation of what’s wrong with what Harris said: “Apparently I am now worse than an Islamic terrorist for just wanting my government to adhere to the Constitution and leave me alone.” Kamala is a twit no doubt but she did NOT (according to the article) say anyone was worse the the 911 Islamic terrorists. 😏
  7. Well they did change the definition of Recessions so.........
  8. Does anyone have evidence that the border states have exhausted all possibilities of working with the Feds or are they just playing childish political games? Because if there is I'll change my stance. But until then.........
  9. That's their only recourse? Use migrants as pawns? Real deep thinkers these TX and AZ leaders are. Instead of figuring out HOW to work with the Feds on the problem they are shipping migrants to other cities? "Not my problem anymore. You deal with them!" And your comment that the migrants don't care where they end up? Yeah fugg em right. My grandfather entered this country illegally from Italy via Canada in the 20's to work in his brother's restaurant in Batavia. Had the state of NY said "we don't want you. Here hop on this bus and good luck!" Now I want you to think about his for a bit. How my grandfather's brother would have felt watching his brother being shipped to who knows where. How my grandfather may have felt. You think he may have had some fear? And here I thought conservatives were the compassionate ones. I guess I was wrong.
  10. I would imagine they would be pissed that migrants were being used as political pawns. If they had any compassion which you appear to be lacking “doctor”. This has nothing to do with the migrants legal status and everything to do with how they are being treated. I’ll ask you a question. If they are here illegally, which they are, wouldn’t it be more prudent to bus them back to their home county vs deeper into ours? If you’re truly against illegal immigration why are you ok with them being allowed to stay? Whether in a sanctuary city or not?
  11. WTF dude. Yeah just turn your asses around and walk the 2,000 back. 🙄 That’s Billy Boy level of closed mindedness.
  12. Yes religion needs to be kept out of government. Good job with your lack of understanding where people you disagree with are getting their thoughts from. I’m a major nonbeliever. I think religion has been a major cause of problems in the world but will NEVER disparage one’s belief. THAT my friend is open mindedness. Try it sometime. GA is one of the most racist states? Maybe maybe not. But that in itself does not make the law racist. It’s only racist in your closed mind. And I saved the best for last. My gay buddies think I’m nuts?? What gay buddies of mine have you been taking to? 🙄 Now let’s compare the two people in this conversation. Which one is coming across with the most hatred? Take care.
  13. It absolutely is a disaster. So let’s use those migrants to make our point. To make our political opponents look bad. No! To me this is incredibly wrong. What if any of those migrants had family in TX they were going to start a new life with? Now they are in Chicago, NY and DC where they likely know no one. This is NOT how you effect change. I hope you never know anyone used as a political pawn in this manner.
  14. Here? You base it on the 4 or 5 that interact with you? That’s what you base it on. Good lord. I suggest you get out for a change and talk to real people ok. You think pro life means they are against woman’s rights? Not even close. It has everything to do with their deep religious beliefs that life begins at conception. It’s about saving the life of the unborn child. It’s rights. If you don’t understand that I can’t help you. And just so you know I’m 100% for keeping abortion legal and safe. But, unlike you, I think critically and understand both sides of this argument. So think why they are pro life. If you think hard enough you may discover an empathetic cell in your body and agree to disagree as opposed to the hate YOU are spewing here. And yes I defended the GA voting law. But I was passionate about the fact it was not based on racism. You have not and cannot prove it’s racist. It changed the laws for all citizens of GA not just POC. It’s sad you point an accusatory finger with zero to back it up with. Regarding LGBTQ issue? There are lots and lots of LBGQT MAGA supporters. Again get out and meet these people you so despise. You’ll be surprised how diverse they actually are. History? We love history. What are you referring to? Human life? See above regarding abortion. Democracy? Huh? Again step away from the keyboard and meet some MAGA people. You accuse some of the most beautiful people I’ve known, been related to of some horrible things and it’s all from what you’ve read and very little of what you’ve experienced. This is likely the longest response I’ve ever had to you. And now I’m done. You are the most closed minded, immature, borderline psychotic (if not full blow psychotic) person I’ve ever had the please to interact with. I wish you well.
  15. Seriously?? Let me preface this with I hate the sanctuary city ***** but it’s a sanctuary for those that come on their own accord. Not shipped by a politician who is using them to make a political point. Conservatives care more about people than that. 😡
  16. Tea!! What the hell was that *****?
  17. I think it’s only hard. Funny you should mention hard cider hangovers. Your namesake T&C used to have a cider tasting party every year. I never attended but I’ve heard of the horrible hangovers that event was responsible for.
  18. I'm sugarcoating nothing. Again if you feel MAGA = hate you're pointing out the hate in the wrong direction. May I ask you how often have you interacted with MAGA supporters? I need you to be 100% honest with your response to this.
  19. Oh it was there in '73. It was on 98 heading into Attica. Maybe a 1/4 mile past Prospect on the right heading into town. That ***** was the bomb!! These guys apparently got the press. https://treehuggercider.com/
  20. Thanks for leaving out the details of your "lack of precautions" when your wife had it.
  21. Got it thanks. I've put that whole Covid mess so far behind me I forgot about the asymptomatic aspect.
  22. The best cider I ever had was from the Attica Cider Mill when I was a kid. @T&C will back me up on this one.
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