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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. So if this a supply side driven issue and not a deficit issue how is IRA going to WIN?
  2. Absolutely. Someone had to shoot up a flair. By pulling a political stunt. 😁 BTW Google Abbot Political Stunt and you’ll see a lot of people agree with me. Sure it’s mostly left wing outlets but still I’m not the only one calling what it is.
  3. How tone deaf to stand up there and “celebrate” the IRA bill while inflation came in at 8.1% and the equities markets are down 4-5%? Didn’t anyone think “ya know…maybe we should hold off on the celebratory speech until we get today’s numbers.”? It just boggles the mind.
  4. Abbott sending 5% of migrants apprehended is a solution?? I hope you're being facetious. I would even go so far as to label what Abbott is doing as a political stunt. It's all optics and zero solution. Come on Deek...it's ok to call out one of our own.
  5. Isn't that what the masks were for?
  6. How is a 4% income stream good when inflation is over 8%? Inflation is manageable when it's at historic norms. We are not even close to that now.
  7. Us smart people don't blame Biden for inflation or the economy. However he's in the big chair now so it's his problem to deal with. When we were first talking about inflation earlier this year I mentioned one of the ways to combat inflation is to raise rates. I took some ***** for that however it's the easiest tool in the Fed toolbox. Will raising rates put us in a recession? It likely has already but that's the price we pay for defeating economic enemy #1. My question is this. If inflation IS economic enemy #1 has Biden talked to us at all about it other than the BS IRA Bill? If he did I missed it. I do seem to remember a recent speech where he talked about another enemy #1.
  8. Was there an election recently? Did I miss it??
  9. My wife is a huge LOTR fan going back way before the movie series. She said it was horrible and the Tolkien is likely rolling in his grave.
  10. They pretty much have us all by the balls and they know it. This was the one thing I really backed Trump on. He stood up to China.
  11. My comp is tied to my clients assets I'm managing. I've taken a "slight" cut in pay this year.
  12. Now you're getting it. However I have no idea why you've directed the last sentence to me. Here's the thing you may help you understand why it is political what Abbott is doing. Are the immigration policies of our Federal Government impacting California? We live here so the answer is "of course!" Is Newsom sending busloads of migrants to DC/NYC/Chicago? No. Let me clear my position up on this. Part of me thinks it's hysterical what Abbott is doing. However using migrants to make his point bothers me.
  13. And to address this? Ummm is Abbott running for re-election in 2 months? 🤔
  14. Oh I see. Abbott is sending them to sanctuary cities to they’ll be taken care of? Is this why you consider it apolitical?
  15. Yes and the last paragraph contradicts that.
  16. There is nothing wrong with social issues. It’s when you base hiring decisions on race and gender. I remember a day when that was considered extremely taboo.
  17. Weird. What you quoted from the article seems to say just the opposite of the headline you posted. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  18. Here’s a definition. Score Political Points To gain political power or sway, especially at the expense of someone else At the expense of who in this case? Democrat leaders and migrants. So classic example of “scoring political points!” It’s like no one can say anything “bad” about a Republican with some on the right flipping out. And BTW this isn’t bad. It’s pointing out the hypocrisy of the left. Who cares if it’s politically motivated.
  19. Absolutely. You say that doing something political is when a politician is doing something to get elected. I think the simple fact that what Abbott had done has caused leaders of these cities to “change their (political) stance” on illegals in their cities is in response to a move by Republican leaders. It’s a chess game. It’s politics. Why have you become so defensive? It’s not a bad thing. To me the bad thing, and my who original point, is the use of the migrants to make their point.
  20. On both parts. 🙄 You can’t play this game one sided. If you feel the democrats in this issue are playing politics by, as SoCal said, by changing their tune it’s because Republicans like Abbott forced their hand. What I think is VERY telling here is that you and SoCal think doing something to score political points it somehow dirty. It’s not. It’s what politicians do for Christ’s sake. 😂
  21. So you don’t know what doing something political is. It’s not ONLY to get elected. In this case what TX is doing is pointing to what’s being done in Democrat led cities. It’s their way of emphasizing what’s wrong with the politics of the left. That’s doing something political. It’s not just to get them re-elected but to make sure their opponents don’t. Again, because they are sending migrants ONLY to democrat ran sanctuary cities is them making a political point.
  22. What does the race and gender of his appointees have to do with this?
  23. You give up easily. You freak out as if it being political is a bad thing. For someone who spends a lot of time on a political message board you don’t realize that when a politician does something it’s usually….wait for it…..political! The fact that a) he’s only sent about 5% of migrants apprehended and b) he’s only sending them to cities run my democrats and deemed “sanctuary cities his motivation is pretty obvious. He’s showing that the left’s immigration policies suck (and they do). Unfortunately he’s using humans as pawns to make his point. Sorry you don’t see it that way.
  24. I’m not blaming Texas. Where have I blamed Texas for the problem? All I’m saying is a a political move and a childish one to boot using migrants as pawns. Read this Op-Ed by Abbott and tell me it’s not political. https://nypost.com/2022/08/23/greg-abbott-eric-adams-is-all-talk-when-it-comes-to-open-borders/amp/
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