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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Ok. So we’ve narrowed it down to 20,000.
  2. So how will we distinguish you from the other 55,000 drunk JA’s?
  3. So one reporter asking the press Secretary is Americans talking about the problem at the border? I’m pretty sure that’a not the geographic area most Americans are talking about this week.
  4. It is a horribly ineffective way. What is everyone talking about? DC/CH/NY/MV. The GOP has moved the topic of conversation away from the border. Absolute FAIL on their part. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  5. Let me try this. What if I owned a chicken processing plant in the Midwest and wanted to expand but didn’t have the local labor to do so. So I rented a couple of buses, drive them to the border and and coax a few dozen illegals with a meal, some clean clothes and bused them to my plant. There was no place for them to live once they got there. What are the ramifications to me if I were to do this?
  6. Their countrymen being used in a stunt? Well I would image it would have a negative impact on the GOP. But who knows.
  7. It will be interesting to see if these stunts have a positive or negative impact on the Hispanic vote.
  8. Let me put it this way. These illegals are being better taken care of than our homeless Americans. Good job guys. 😡
  9. If I was Floridian I’d be pissed. “I can’t afford to fly to Martha’s Vineyard but you’re using my tax dollars flying illegals there on a stunt??” That’s some very Presidential ***** right there.
  10. High horse? Everything is ***** beautiful. Better then being in denial. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  11. Of course you don’t remember. It shows your Great American ain’t so great.
  12. So much for No Malarkey.
  13. Yes it’s a stunt. A political stunt. Thank you for finally agreeing with me. And I’ll tell you political stunts, especially in this political climate, is the worst way to get anything done. It’s going to backfire. The GOP and their tone deaf marketing rivals that of the Dems. Carry on children. Not effective let alone devastatingly effective. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  14. I think he’d be very busy with his whole water to wine thing. And consuming massive quantities.
  15. I'm not following. Illegal is illegal whether they stay in places such as TX or they get shipped elsewhere by Republicans or Democrats. If we want to reduce the number of illegals here in the US isn't scattering them throughout the country making that more difficult? Let me ask you were you fine with the Biden administration shipping them to other parts of the country? BTW this is the most immature tit for tat politics I've seen and the fact that you all think this is in anyway good leadership is beyond me.
  16. You seem confused. You're against illegal immigration but you're ok with them being bussed all around the country especially to places where their illegal status is protected. Weird.
  17. Who do you think I am.... Joe Biden??
  18. Funny how autocorrect recognizes it as a pinche word. I’ve not worked in a professional kitchen in I’ve 20 years but my kitchen Spanish is still pretty damn fuerte. Seriously dude. The number of migrants being sent in buses is minuscule compare to the problem. So I guess you’re cool with illegals being in this country?
  19. We can live without any of the other idols you mentioned. The sun however? The giver of life on this planet. 😁 Regarding the cost of pool chemicals. Salt water here. That would have been if you mentioned Santa Monica.
  20. Thanks. Not sure about #4 being tried before. If so worth a try again. I have no idea of the best way. Imagine if Apple moved they manufacturing from China to Mexico. Almost impossible I would imagine. But start with smaller companies. Textile manufacturing! And call centers in Mexico? I speak Spanglish but not Hindish. 😁
  21. If you’ve been following along I’ve mentioned the problem quite a few times here. I believe earlier today I called it ***** up. And unlike most here I’m all about solutions. So here we go. 1. First and foremost we have to build the wall. Create “funnel points” where we can better control the flow. 2. Once we do that we can begin to process those here, make them legal and maybe sure they pay their fair share. One of the terms of their citizenship is to work and stay free of crime. They begin to live off of our social programs without even looking for work it’s a ticket back “home”. I’m not sure about that one. It may be drastic but hey you asked. 3. Get tough on businesses that knowingly hire illegals. To the point that repeat offenders will be punished financially to the point they gave to close up. For major companies who can absorb the fines as a “cost for doing business” we incrementally increase the fines to the point it doesn’t make financial sense. 4. Work on getting US based companies to move their manufacturing and call centers to places like Mexico and Central America. Help these places thrive so they are no longer the massive shitholes these people are fleeing. 5. Work with Mexico to help them secure their southern border. Many of these illegals are flowing in from south of Mexico 6. Make sure we all vote Democrat that way we’ll be a bigger shithole than where folks are coming from so they stay there. 😁 Voters. 🙄
  22. Civilizations have worshipped the sun for centuries for a reason. You stew in your oversized bathtub filled with hot water. I have one of those too. 😁 I now price shop, hunt for bargains and use coupons for the first time ever. And I’m not hurting financially.
  23. I’ve lived in a border state for almost 40 years. Half of those in an industry driven by illegal immigrants. We’ve been talking about it for decades and nothing has been done about our southern border. If you think stunts like these are going to change things you’re being very naive. Sending them to Kamala’s house is likely the stupidest move. She will probaby dig in her heels and play along with the childish games. The GOP is blowing it BIG time on this one.
  24. So what are you saying with your way out of context pictures?
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