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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Inside your ***** head. Seriously, what do you do for a living? Funny how you’re afraid to divulge.
  2. And there are those that feel abortion after conception is murder. Do you empathize with their position?
  3. Because, like Trump, he makes your head explode. All hail Elon!! 771 days (you ***** counted??) since the 2020 election, and Orange man is still ***** with your brain. 😂
  4. Yeah I understand the whole cake thing. It sounds as if you don't. So what if I feel that person is a sinner and baking a cake for them offends me? What about the 34 year old who doesn't want the inconvenience of carrying and raising a child?
  5. So which political party benefits from this form of censorship? Are you saying you were defending Twitter's apparent political censorship?
  6. Your sense of humor. Wait...you have to have one first. Carry on........ Or a big X. So no treasure map cakes!!
  7. Ummmmm.....it's the timing of the pardons. At least for me anyway.
  8. Depends on the intent of the person publishing this information I would guess.
  9. Like I said....set em up I'll knock em down.
  10. They could but I'm pretty sure they won't. That Shitton of Snow insurance is not cheap either. And on a side note I was at an art fair out here a couple weeks ago. HI was talking to one of the artists. He was from FL and was telling us about the most recent hurricanes. He said a lot of people are moving from FL to places like the CA desert or TX because of the hurricanes. And don't give me that "well you all have earthquakes!!!" crap. I've lived here 40 year and have not experienced anything more that a few pictures on the wall that have gone askew. I don't even carry earthquake insurance.
  11. “Our obligation is clear,” the president added. “We must eliminate these weapons that have no purpose other than to kill people in large numbers. However if we do eliminate these weapons and you still have a need just dial VIK-TOR-BOUT or visit merchantofdeath.com"
  12. JaCrispy is exposing himself. Isn’t that a community TOS violation?
  13. If DeSantis could only single-handedly end global warming (wait I thought the term now was climate change? 🤔) all those folks could afford to live in FL. What an ass he is.
  14. The reason they are considered trolls could very well be due to bigotry no?
  15. He sounds immature and childish so that makes sense that Billy Boy would think his Twit for Brains post was worthy of a share.
  16. https://www.businessinsider.com/items-auction-elon-musk-twitter-hq-2022-12 We know....we know.
  17. He just pounded some random words on to his keyboard.
  18. Only if it's Devil's Food. You keep settin' up and I'll keep knockin' 'em down.
  19. Good job! Now can you thank or at least recognize Trump for his role in getting us out of Afghanistan?
  20. Possibly but seeing I wasn't involved in the negotiations not sure if he could have made a better deal. But the fact he negotiated a withdrawal of our troops from there I'm quite satisfied with the outcome. Are you glad or not we are no longer mired in Afghanistan?
  21. Cool. And in 10 more hours here on the left coast we can say Tuesday’s Gone.
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