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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. How about if there was a plan that allowed people to take money tax free from inherited qualified retirement plans to pay off their loan. Currently they have to distribute it over 10 years. I hate that new rule BTW. Thanks Donald. 😡
  2. And people will continue to list their degrees on their resume. So you accomplish nothing. My idea of taking right off the top of any inheritance in essence pays the loan back.
  3. People AND religion are often the problem. So religious leaders are absolved from any responsibility in atrocities committed in the name of my God vs your God?
  4. Sorry but you can’t take away a person’s knowledge. Education and knowledge are not tangible things. At some point, and typically pretty quickly, your level of experience in any given field outweigh your degree. After 2 years I got a hell of a lot more traction on my resume based on where I worked vs where I got my degree. And my degree is from one of the most recognizable culinary school in world. That and the fact the people can easily fudge their resume takes almost all the teeth out of you wanting to swap a degree for their loan.
  5. Ok I’ll explain. You said if their loans are forgiven they should just give up their degree. My point is how will that change anything? People could still list their degree on their resume. I advocated for nothing.
  6. So because there have been more atrocities not involving religion we just just 🤷🏻‍♂️ to all the inhumanity caused BY religion? Religion is one of the worst forms of control.
  7. Good lord dude. Where did I say that? Don’t bother because I didn’t.
  8. Well first off you’re talking to someone who does not believe that god even exists. So having said that we have a lot of historic man’s inhumanity to man in the name of religion.
  9. Return their degree? When did you ever get asked or ask when hiring for proof of a degree?
  10. The comfort of the church whether ill on your deathbed or in distress does not even come close to offset all the horrible things that have been done in the name of your god vs mine. And I agree with Tibs on one topic means I love him?
  11. They have the opportunity to erase their loans. Pay them off quicker. If a family making up to $250k a year can’t throw a little more to the principal then I can’t help them. How about we have them pay back the $10-$20k out of future inheritance? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  12. I don't know what he was pointing out with his comment.
  13. Just the opposite here. It's not up the the government to teach good or bad life skills however it is up to the government to create and maintian good fiscal policy.
  14. He? Sorry but I have to go with Tibs on this one. Religion has done more harm to humans than good. It's a major form of control.
  15. It does not say that DeSantis should not praise the President when he does something worth praising which is what Boatdrinks comment said.
  16. Wing on wing is what sailors call it. 🙄 And it’s called a jib. You sure you sail?
  17. Us nonbelievers prefer “why so angry bro?”
  18. Methodists do potluck Baptists do BBQ
  19. 15 MPH is tough to sail in? Is this you Tibs? BTW Tibs? Good sailors go by knots not MPH.
  20. You’re hoping for the beast. Yeah…..sure you are. 🙄
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