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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. And having to pay more interest on Treasuries as well as people likely writing off capital losses off their taxes due to the market dropping. Also retired folks’ required taxable distributions from their retirement accounts will likely drop due to lower values. He’s a ***** magician.
  2. So you agree that when the government overspends it weighs down the economy? Good, we're making progress. How do you feel about IRA that was just signed by our President? Is it ok when the Dems spend, spend, spend but not ok when the GOP does it? Guess what? As a big fiscal conservative it pisses me off when the government spends frivolously regardless of who's doing it. You do understand why the government spent during Covid though right? I'm pretty sure it wasn't me.
  3. Sure flood assistance is worth paying for. But not 5 or more years down the road.
  4. Inflation started when Trump was in office? Can we get some documentation for that? Oh ***** it. You'll just yell some dumb rabbit hole *****. Here you go you lying *****!
  5. The most brain dead, out of touch, economically illiterate line I’ve heard. That line needs to be played in a loop every day everywhere by every GOP running for election or re-election for the next month and then continued until 11/24.
  6. Fiscal responsibility!! This is what we need in leadership. You stick with the “spend to oblivion” government. It’s working out swimmingly well wouldn’t you agree? 🙄
  7. Things such as this, natural disasters, is really one of the few times the government should get involved and help. Not vote grabbing help like student loan forgiveness. Socialism.
  8. Correct on all accounts. 10 year rule is still in place but distributions are tax free. Ideally let the damn thing continue to grow tax deferred and after 9 years and 364 days distribute. Roth conversions are a great tool. **the above is not a recommendation or financial advice.
  9. Damn straight. And a perfect example of where you got your degree didn’t matter as much as what you do with it. It was “oh you worked at Ma Maison? Nicky Blair’s? Champagne?” It was never “oh CIA grad?”
  10. I have a childhood friend in Sarasota. He’s been documenting it. If they are freaking out why didn’t they leave?
  11. So the only reason someone does not pay back their loan is because they’ve chosen not to? There could be no other hardship reason why? Maybe they tithed too much. 😁
  12. Controls? No. Influences? Hell yeah. So your God has no responsibility for how people interpret his message?
  13. The government? He acted on his own with no directive of the government. As a matter of fact the same government imprisoned him for his actions. Now about the Crusades. How do you feel about them? Religious persecution in England? It's what prompted colonization of the New World. . Why very religious men knew to make sure we did not have a national religion. Why we have the religious freedom we have here today.
  14. So the Crusades were just a bunch of whack jobs and not a series of wars directed by the church? Religion is VERY powerful and has prompted people since the beginning of time to do things they otherwise would likely not do. Are you proud of your evil religious history? Do you condemn it? To me is shows me there is no God. If so why would he let things like that happen in his name?
  15. If you have no inheritance you are "stuck" with your loan. Let me explain. Let's say your dad has a $1m IRA. If you are the sole beneficiary you will inherit his $1m IRA and under current tax laws (again thanks Donald 😡) you MUST completely distribute the IRA in 10 years. You can do it all at once or bit by bit over that time but it HAS to be distributed. Prior to the Secure Act you could "stretch" it over your lifetime which would soften the tax blow vs the new rule. But now you'd get this big income hit that would likely push that amount into a higher bracket. Under my idea your dad NOW puts your daughter who has a student loan as a contingent bene (ideally in a trust) for the amount of the loan and it could go to her tax free as long as she uses to pay off her loan. Or how about this. Dad while living distributes some of his IRA and gifts it to your daughter to pay her student loan and that distribution is tax free or penalty free if he's under 59 1/2. Why I use dad and not you as the example is because we'd have a better idea if your dad could distribute a chunk of his IRA and still not run out of money. You're too young to do that. There are a ton of ways to incentivize people to pay off student loans versus just erasing them altogether.
  16. You missed the word inherited. Take the money you've inherited from an IRA or 401k which you have to report to the IRS and use some of that tax free to pay off your loan. I think that's actually a great idea.
  17. Was Derek Chauvin acting on behalf of a higher power? Come on Skynyrd....you can do better than that.
  18. Winners of the Saturday Morning Nostalgia category I mean a car ***** blows up!
  19. IMO if one person is murdered in the name of God that outweighs any good the religion has done. I agree with most of your response regarding Iran.
  20. It is not a lazy argument. If someone finds comfort in their faith? Have at it. It helps them great. One person or the handful they touch throughout their lives benefits from their faith. However a handful of religious zealots/leaders have been responsible for the massacre of millions. And again just because there has been a ***** ton more non-faith based horror does not absolve those who commit atrocities in the name of their God. Look what’s going on in Iran now in the name of their God. Is your God better than theirs? Trust me I have nothing against those who believe. I’ll actually take them over arrogant atheists all day long. Just don’t tell me religion has not caused major problems in man’s history.
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