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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. If the Administration really wanted to provide relief to those that are swimming in debt they’d promote the forgiveness programs already in place. Those provide relief for the WHOLE debt not just $10k which for many is a small percentage of their overall loan balance. Those programs are based on income and put the payment amount in line with what the borrower can afford. This should open the eyes of those that think this is a great thing and let them see it’s nothing other than political pandering. Yeah but but but PPP in 3…..2……1.
  2. Tibs….. Dem = Good American GOP = Freak The sign of a simple mind.
  3. Not uncontrolled or unchecked. We had nearly 3,000,000 border crossings this fiscal year. At that rate in 10 years we’d have almost the population of California, our most populous state, enter. If you don’t think that’s a challenge you’re cra……oh wait. I forgot who I was talking too. Carry on crazy boy.
  4. You’re not staring. You’ve laid on the tracks. 😏
  5. Let me re-explain. I was not clear. Not the total debt. The debt repayment on the amount being forgiven not the total loan. So their total annual payment on the $10k being forgiven vs their total annual income. Regarding administrative burden. The process is pretty much already in place. See we already have a forgiveness plan in place. Income Bases Repayment plans.
  6. Excuse me?? $125k per person is middle America? You may want to rethink that. What about a debt to income ratio means test like I suggested. Doesn’t that make a little more sense?
  7. We may get a cure for Alzheimer’s out of this. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  8. Ha! I was there a few times. LOL! Here’s the crazy thing. I just learned when I was back this summer that the address is actually Alexander not Attica!! 😱
  9. And to clarify I retired from the kitchen in 2001. So I was a Chef when I joined the board. Now I just Chef for fun not for profit.
  10. I have a question for those that think this is a good idea. What will the monthly savings be for the average $10k in forgiveness ?
  11. ***** clueless.
  12. What can be done? Imagine if this caused him to resign? 😟
  13. Ummmm…….🤔
  14. Funny how you pick and choose when you want to become a “fiscal conservative”. 🙄 So you have a problem with Trump’s spending but not Biden’s? We have a term for that. You may have heard it. Political Hack? I have a problem with most government spending. Why I’m not aligned with any party. They all spend my money like drunken sailors.
  15. How about reducing FRA back to 65, eliminate the 62 option increase the last option to 72 and reduce the 8% increase from FRA to oldest option. Major spitballing here of course but there are tons of options. It needs to (and will) stay in place but needs major overhauling.
  16. Stick with accusing me of things you have a clue about ok. I’ve been bitching about government handouts since TARP under Bush. I’ve been waiting for the inflation we have now to hit for over 10 years. I’m just surprised it took so long. Why I don’t blame the inflation on Biden.
  17. How about an adult means test. Annual loan repayment to annual income ratio? Kind of makes a little bit more sense doesn’t it? That would eliminate a lot of people getting forgiveness that don’t need it.
  18. Not one person with a logical brain cell didn’t see this coming.
  19. Hard to move on from removing debt from individuals and adding to our growing national debt. There is no moving on.
  20. Why can’t you guys give a direct answer to a direct question? I was under the impression you were better than Billy Boy. I was obviously greatly mistaken. 😏 So without pointing to PPP, which is a lazy comparison, what should the means test level be?
  21. I agree. The means testing should be……$0! 😏
  22. We shall see if they will be vilified like big oil regarding price gouging. BTW is the government still paying for these vaccines?
  23. Yes for right now. But the fact that’s it’s even being reviewed says something. We shall see how this turns out. Let me ask you a question. Why does a family making $250k need any kind of forgiveness?
  24. Not so fast…… https://www.wsj.com/articles/appeals-court-temporarily-halts-biden-administrations-student-loan-forgiveness-program-11666394482
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