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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Can we get a list of Republicans that have said they will do away with SS and Medicare?
  2. Freezing here in the desert. Didn’t even make it to 80 today. 🥶
  3. Gay marriage? What’s that? Isn’t it just marriage? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  4. Ok here's what going to happen. The Fed will finally get inflation under control Q1 2023 or so and stop raising rates. The market will take off and who do you think will take credit?
  5. @CountryCletus Calling @CountryCletus
  6. And that is with someone with a 50 year political record as President. He may be in decline now but he did have some "respect" and experience on the world stage dealing with world leaders. Now close your eyes and imagine Kamala having to deal with the likes of Xi.
  7. If you've been paying attention I've been calling Billy Boy psychotic for quite some time.
  8. This is a very narrowminded post. We always have to worry about our foreign enemies.
  9. I’m not concerned about the puppet masters I’m concerned about our standing on the world stage and how her “leadership” could embolden our enemies. This is no laughing matter.
  10. Really?? I care if Kamala takes over. That, in my opinion, would be the worst thing that could happen.
  11. So we are now “judging” politicians based on their makeup application? So now it’s “putty face bad”? LOL
  12. All's cool in this big blue state cities. Nothing to see here. Move along.......
  13. I know this is horrible!! He should be arrested or something! Maybe he should be impeached? Wait no...can't do that. Hmmmmm cabinet members...cabinet members? Goebbels? Goering? Himmler? Hess? Let's get the band back together!! Carry on indignant boy.
  14. One person. Crazy Donald Cool story bro. You’re ***** whacked obsession is really really sad. Which has a better ring? Hitler/Trump 2024 or Trump/Hitler 2024. Hmmm….maybe I should start a poll. 🤔 Carry on whackadoodle…
  15. Great question. Maybe you should ask your Palestinian loving Jewish hating liberal friends. You sure you really want to go there?
  16. Where? In the mind of a psychotic that’s where.
  17. Trump/Hitler 2024. Hmmm. I wonder if ole crazy eyes would accept the VP position. 🤔
  18. I’m a true believer. I’m a believer in the next coming of Donald Trump. 😂😂😂
  19. Wouldn’t this be my Christian Fragility?? Get your diagnosis straight.
  20. Nope. I’ll keep you posted.
  21. So I heard there’s no Bills game today. Whatcha y’all doin’ instead?
  22. When you start politicizing the drug overdose problem you can officially ***** off!! 😡😡😡
  23. Because, as Nancy says, we need more brown people (my words) to pick your food Tibs?
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