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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Great question. Because I am not discriminating against you based on YOUR sex, race or religion. I have made a business decision not to provide you a product or service because it goes against MY faith. As a matter of fact I’ll even help you find a business that WILL help you. It’s kind of the old George Costanza line. “It’s not you….it’s me!” And we are getting all worked up over something that likely very rarely happens. Oh and what law am I being exempt from by not offering a product or service?
  2. Whoa…….🥹
  3. Covid turned the sheeple into mindless idiots. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR9REpKy/
  4. What in the world are you talking about in your first two sentences?? And I’ll answer any questions you ask. All I saw from were rhetorical questions. So ask away.
  5. You know how to stop Ye’s hate? It’s pretty simple.
  6. Hate Example #6 Go on…….
  7. My hate? Not sure what you’re talking about. Disagreeing with someone, asking them to clarify their position with a series of questions does not constitute hate. You on the other hand show time and time again you’re full of hate. Relaxed dude. Life is short. Hate ruins and often shortens it.
  8. Funny how you played a different tune 2016-2020. 🙄
  9. Why is refusing to accept business due to part of the agreement goes against your religious beliefs not acceptable to you? Since when did "we refuse the right to serve anyone......" become irrelevant?
  10. Sorry to hear about your mom but what does that have to do with my point/question? Good job using your sick mother to avoid a question. Oh and Hate Example #4 Go on……
  11. I agree with B-Man here. The only question worth debating is your first point. So I will follow up your question with a question. How would you feel if a caterer who was Muslim refused to cater a party because they wanted to serve alcohol?
  12. So you admit President Biden has dementia. So how do you feel about the leader of our nation suffering from dementia? Is this something to be concerned about or are you keen to, as you say, sweep in under the carpet?
  13. That’s not hate. That’s just pointing out the obvious. You ARE a whack job. It’s quite well documented here on a daily. Some of my nearest and dearest loved ones are whacked. Nice try kid.
  14. Hate Example #3 This also falls under psychotic/immaturity but I digress. Go on…..
  15. Hate Exhibit #2 Go on…….
  16. I’m semi-retired and don’t really have co-workers. When I did work in an office (or prior to that a kitchen) being in CA most of us were from other parts of the county. So we all supported different teams. Even if we supported local LA teams we often supported different teams. Dodgers vs Angels, Kings vs Ducks, Lakers vs Clippers. Having said that we talked sports incessantly but rarely argued.
  17. Hate Exhibit #1 Go on…….
  18. The party of hate?? The vitriol from the left towards those that disagree with them is palpable. Just go back and read some of your own posts.
  19. Tibs with a zinger of a retort. 👍🏻
  20. He’s clutching. The voting in GA, for the most part, has been smooth with record turnouts. If he was smart he’d just walk away.
  21. Events NOW are showing it’s BS?? I knew it was BS from the get go and why it pissed me off so much in this thread. And what pissed me off the most is that it was a slap in the face for those that actually suffered through Jim Crow. ***** y’all and your Jim Crow on steroids. Steroids!! 😡
  22. Beating them to death is a bit drastic. Now I’d absolutely kick them in the balls….that is if they have any.
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