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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Max 10 knots?? WTF?!?! They care more about the big fish (mammals) [whatever] than they do about people. (see Dianne Feinstein and the Delta Smelt)
  2. I sent this to a Dutch friend of mine. She said the same is happening there. She said only 50% of the children there read at their current grade level. Those that have been saying CRT is not a problem? This is exactly what I have been talking about since it came out. These types of woke curriculum are pushing aside what children need to be learning to be successful. We have 50% of Americans 19-26 living at home. If this is what we are teaching children I can only think of what that number will be in the future when kids in school today go out looking for work.
  3. Anyone that can go into public office and come out and live like this is sickening. I don't care what side of the aisle you're on.
  4. What percentage of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Communist, Whatever are atheists? What about us Righties, Conservatives or whatever that are non-believers?
  5. It took me less time to check that it did you you to type in response to something you don't care about. https://www.reuters.com/article/norway-lgbt-lawmaking/norway-outlaws-hate-speech-against-trans-people-idUSKBN2852DL
  6. I'd cry too if I had daughters that told me they were Democrats. BTW I saw his blubbering on the news this morning. Sounds like he had a few cocktails with Nancy before the ceremony.
  7. But those damn Norwegians are a happy lot so that's all that matters here right?
  8. So Musk was AOK in your book when he was only running Tesla and SpaceX. Now that he's taken over your beloved Twitter he become public enemy #1 2 or 3? The ***** that upsets you is quite entertaining.
  9. Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
  10. And this will do what exactly for the American people? When I invest my money I want to have some idea what my ROI is going to be. 😡
  11. Ok got it. It will be interesting how the Jan 6 crowd feel about suing @elonjets. 🤔
  12. But it’s someone else’s baggage so……
  13. So you sue Elonjet and the stalker is going to knock it off? 😂 No the system would not work. We so need tort reform. I’ve been saying this forever.
  14. Stalking is not a civil matter. The defense the person has is to file criminal charges against the stalker not civil charges against someone who posted a tweet.
  15. What do you think of her/his/their tweets?
  16. He's not talking about suing the person who did the stalking. This is a very slippery slope. This is like people wanting to sue gun manufacturers.
  17. And you guys wonder why I don't use Twitter. It was ***** up then and it's ***** up now.
  18. I wouldn't forgive anyone who believes anything Biden says or does. Ohhhh, you meant their loans. Carry on............
  19. I'm just trying to help him. I'd try to help you but you're too far gone.
  20. Oh sorry. What was the subject?
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