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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. You have the ability to ask for recipes from probably the best Chef/cook you’ll ever “know” and that’s what you want to learn how to cook? Veggies?? Don’t get me wrong vegetables are awesome but damn dude. Test me!!
  2. Defeat our common enemy! Stupidity. This was part of my point when I said WTF when I was denied access to two grocery stores this weekend. Most of the masks did little or no good.
  3. Really counselor? That’s the best you have? Our screen names have to reflect what we do for a living? I hope you didn’t put a lot of thought into this post. Anyway what recipes are you looking for?
  4. Sorry man. Your posts are often childish, immature, vulgar and angry. You relish in the fact that people don’t like you and applaud when someone puts you on or threatens to put you on ignore. That is a sad existence. But hey if you enjoy going through life that way have at it. But keep in mind there are other people here that try to enjoy the community and you make it difficult. It’s not all about you. And the childish response or “well them put me on ignore!!” in 3....2.....1
  5. Yes. In the real world where normal people reside telling someone to Shut The ***** Up is classic anger.
  6. For someone who a according to you has it made in the shade you are one angry dude. I used to say money can’t buy you happiness but it can buy you a big ole yacht and you can sail right up next to it. Looks like it got you got a dingy with a leak.
  7. I’m a money manager? Nice try counselor. If you’re going to succeed in an argument I suggest you find someone else other than Q to get your information from.
  8. Because you can’t argue your way out of a paper bag.
  9. I sure hope you’re not trying to make a living at litigation.
  10. If you think people want to go back to work because they are bored you have no business even being a part of this discussion.
  11. Yeah having to use a weapon is a gun owner’s wet dream. Any responsible gun owner who has a gun for protection hopes they NEVER have to use it. But you keep thinking you have any clue as to what we think. You’ve been wrong through all of this so why I expect that to change now is silly.
  12. Again you also want me lie to the police? I tell them I have a weapon and they rush to the scene putting themselves and others in danger and they show up and it's "well I lied about the weapon to get you here faster" That a solid idea. Really just stop.
  13. So you want me to lie to the police? That's your answer? You're clutching here man.
  14. Who said it would take the cops 14 hours to show up in this situation?
  15. Slightly better with a gun. SLIGHTLY?? Ok now you're just arguing for the sake to argue. The cops will be there a bit quicker if I tell them I have a weapon. Trust me.
  16. And yes I'm still here. What's your point? I don't want to kill them either. I want them to go to jail. A dog is not going to call the cops. So you solution is to chase them away so they can break into someone else's house? And yes they break in during the day when the THINK i'm not at home. I had a kid try to break in during the day while I was at home.
  17. I don’t. I will do my best to make sure he doesn’t flee the scene. If he does he one that got away.
  18. Again. My home was broken in to 12 months after we bought it. Our neighbor three times in the 5 years we lived there. Caught two people on my security cam peeking in my window on different occasions m. Had one person knock on my door in the middle of the night and when I didn’t answer hop in someone’s car are speed off. Several instances of crazy people up and down our hill caught on cam. That’s not irrational that’s reality of where I lived. I bought two handguns when I lived there for protection. Since I moved I still have them because I learned I enjoyed going the range.
  19. The stats show that a term policy every paying out is astronomically low. So why are they so popular? Your point is I shouldn’t have my guns????? Seriously? Why not?
  20. Nope. Nice try. Again with the “I know all about you” posts. ? Here’s a question for you. What piece of protection is going to have the bad guy turning and running in the first place. A handgun or a spatula?
  21. I gotta ask. Why are you so adamantly against people wanting to feel safe in their own home?
  22. Question. Do you by chance have or know someone who has term life insurance?
  23. Have I mentioned my concern about being killed by an intruder? I’m talking about protection. Someone breaks in I want to make sure he realizes he picked the wrong house. I feel like the dude has a much better chance of going to jail if I hold him with my Glock vs a spatula.
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