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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Do you, counselor, have factual proof that Trump is a liar yes or no? This is the fact that I am trying to determine here. The result of the ignorance or lying is not in question here. What is in question is, again, do you have proof whether or not Trump is in fact a liar. Yes or no? Is this sentence not stated as a fact versus conjecture?
  2. Then stop ***** calling him a liar if you have no proof he's a liar. Call him ignorant all you want but if you're calling him a liar with no absolute proof he's a liar doesn't that in fact make YOU the liar?
  3. That was a yes or no question. So let's try this again. Is ignorance the same as lying?
  4. He lied? Kind of hard to prove a lie isn't it? You have first hand knowledge he lied? How do you know he lied? Being a blowhard and saying the first thing that comes to his mind does not make him a liar. Makes him a schmuck but not a liar. You do understand that right?
  5. Where is that list of other countries that were prepared for this and did a better job at this that I asked for?
  6. Please give me the list of world leaders that were really prepared for this. Those that knew EXACTLY how do handle this. Hindsight is NOT your friend. Oh he had no clue like most at that time. You do remember that time right? Most everyone didn't know what the ***** what doing on or where this was headed. Kind of like today wouldn't you agree?
  7. Ok what shouldn’t he have done. I could go back and read but there is a ***** ton here. So we would all love to hear your abridged version of what he shouldn’t have done.
  8. It’s easy to point fingers but very difficult to have ideas isn’t it.
  9. What would you be doing right now if you were President?
  10. Shouldn’t we pick leaders based on their ability to lead not based on the color of their skin and/or the genitalia between their legs?
  11. Our yard when I was a kid (now my brother’s) was on the mighty Tonawanda.
  12. Trump? Part of excessive rambling and meandering verbosity? Trump meanders more than the Tonawanda Creek.
  13. No. I used to jump in after them. WTF??? Single people will never get laid again. Now they know what marriage is like.
  14. A simple we have no clue would have sufficed. You need to go back to work. And did his response sound EXACTLY like that tweet from thar blonde that DR posted?
  15. She just won the internet today. Bravo!! I'm not so sure. Pics first and I'll answer her.
  16. Immeasurable worse? What does that even mean? Oh wait I do. I means "I don't have a ***** clue so I'll just say *****."
  17. If I hear one more ad for anything (from cars to mattresses) say "during these tough times" or "remember, we're all in this together" I gonna ***** shoot the TV/radio. I was taking a walk yesterday and a woman "dove" into the bushes to avoid me. I'm not going to get used to this. And this is not going away anytime soon.
  18. I’m not. You know a person can actually live their life without hanging on every bit of information regarding this *****. I work 12 hour days now done have time for it and guess what? I’m still alive. ?
  19. Have you agreed with everything every doctor you’ve had told you.
  20. I can help you but your wife is out of luck. I don’t do the vegan thing. I just ate some Serrano chili goat cheese I made over the weekend. Glad I can still get goat milk during this insanity. I’ve been out of the restaurant biz for nearly 20 years. I cook for fun not profit now.
  21. I’m not sure if this is sarcasm but if not I vehemently disagree.
  22. I don’t get much time to read her notes but I did I’d much rather read her notes than listen to Donny Boy.
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