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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Ok Reality Check I see you're new here. Here's a reality check Reality Check. Nearly every Tibs response is curious.
  2. I will give you your first point. Your second? There you go being a turd again. This time no sarcastic wink. You really are a turd for saying that.
  3. You should try caring more about what people think of you. Maybe you'll be less of a turd. ?
  4. We can call them Chinese hats if they originated in China but I don’t think baseball hats originated in China. ?
  5. When I go out and I have food from a restaurant that serves dim sum am I no longer able to say I’m eating Chinese food?
  6. So I went to the store and wore a mask for the first time because I had to. Wore a bandana and all I could think of was this:
  7. Ok so that is supposed to have me look at you in different light?
  8. I gotta ask. What are you looking for in his taxes? Is there a specific schedule you really want to see? I'd just like to know what dirt you expect to uncover in his returns?
  9. Quid Pro Quo like “you finance my real estate and I’ll ***** you in trade deals”? That kind of Quid Pro Quo? ?
  10. And I knew this reminded me of someone.
  11. Good lord. Stop with the ***** hysteria. SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING!
  12. What does Bill Barr have to do with you aligning yourself with some of the most immature, childish, angry posters here?
  13. Because for some reason hysteria sells and if you’re trying to be level headed you’re accused of being a denier. Trump, though he does it in his own grating way, tries to help people remain as calm as is possible.
  14. Maybe I have you confused with Tibs. And to be honest I would rather be accused of lying than being confused with a that tool. Hell I’d rather be accused of murder.
  15. Wait. I was certain tens of thousands were going to die in the US due to the lack of ventilators. What happened??
  16. Draft?? If I’ve told y’all once I’ve told you a thousand times I come here to get away for boring sports. Now STOP IT!!
  17. Because it would require them to admit they are wrong and pushing a false narrative. That would also require adult and mature behavior which is in very short supply here.
  18. Do you really want to align yourself with that crowd? I thought lawyers had better sense than that.
  19. Did you answer? Nope. Grow a set and grow up.
  20. Oh no that is very real news. So you refuse to answer my question. I guess that means you’re too chickenshit to answer. I’m not surprised. Sad really.
  21. Yes it was. Why are you afraid to answer it? Because you know you’re wrong? That you’ve lost the debate? Ok you immature brat I will answer yours. I would not defend Biden for saying something stupid just as I am not defending Trump. And I would likely not push a false narrative as you have been for a LONG time. But in reality this is debate is not about me and Biden. It’s about you and your friends, for whatever reason I don’t know, incessantly pushing a false narrative. The debate tactic of the small minded. So let’s try this again. Did Trump, as you’ve said here over and over, tell people to ingest disinfectant and use UV light?
  22. A few things. 1. I’m not defending him. I’m calling you all our for pushing a false narrative. Pushing and pushing and pushing to the point of absurdity even if that was what he actually said. 2. People who answer a question with a question typically have lost the debate. 3. Speaking of which let me ask it again. Did Trump tell people to ingest disinfectant and use UV?
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