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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Yup broken. Thanks for the validation. ??
  2. Of what month? Here in California it’s the 19th of Wringingourhandsuary.
  3. My work is done here.....again.
  4. Not sure if you know what I for a living but part of what your talking about is very much a part of what I do. I know nothing about your mom or your situations so there could be many reasons why your mom's taxes went up. I you could, without going in too much detail on her situation, explain why her taxes have gone up and why it's due to Trump "coming into power". Also the same thing regarding your situation. You mention specific geographic regions (NYC/NJ). Could those be an increase in state and local taxes not the Fed? Again without giving up too much of you personal situation can you point to the actual tax changes since Trump "came into power" that caused these tax increases.
  5. Maybe your taxes went up because due to Trump you’re better off and making more money. ? But seriously I’d like to know why your taxes have gone up.
  6. And way too conservative. Pretty ironic huh? ?
  7. You expect one person in three plus years to completely change a machine that big and that dysfunctional? Hell we’ve been try is to make changes with our company of 200 people for the past three years and it’s hard as hell And you will likely find the majority of the Conservatives here are unhappy with some of the things he’s done. But he’s, in my opinion, more conservative than the others he ran against. Why he became the nominee.
  8. I think his head just exploded.
  9. Why most of us Conservatives would never ever say we are Republicans. We don’t march with that party let alone in lock step with it. Now you’re ranting about ranting. ? Dude, really, give it a rest. You’re looking like a fool here.
  10. You done have to bring up a topic to be a ranter (is that a word?). But to go on and on about it. To put words into posts that were not there. To be as do bunged up about it you are no longer making sense? To me? That’s ranting.
  11. Because you’re blind. Do you really think Deek thinks that there is NOT ONE PERSON in America that is against diversity? Really??
  12. Who said NO ONE in America is against diversity? Me thinks doth rant too much.
  13. Yes Americans. It was implied that he meant some. So what you’re saying is the thinks ALL Americans are racists? What is wrong with you? Give it a rest. ?
  14. Holy hell! You’re ranting about racism in a thread about Covid. He’s a parody poster. What’s your excuse?
  15. They see and read what they want man. I lived in the Bay Area for 9 years. In the middle of the left of the left. All they want to do is fight.
  16. Of course there are racists! No has told you there are none. Quit making ***** up!
  17. You made a point to an imaginary statement. That’s awesome!
  18. 95% of restaurants fail in the first year in the best of times. I mentioned yesterday we went to Palm Springs and it was surreal to see all these closed business and no cars parked in a normally packed downtown Palm Springs. Many people that have put their life’s savings, blood sweat and tears into their business (Not just restaurants) are going to lose everything. It will be very interesting to see how history treats this whole thing.
  19. I’ll tell you when I get back from the beach...oh wait.
  20. And there always will be. What’s your point and what do you suggest be done about it.
  21. I have to ask. Have you posted ANYTHING in this thread, a thread about the most serious pandemic in 100 years, that wasn’t about Trump? Just in case you weren’t aware that’s what this thread is about. The pandemic not Trump. This says a awful lot about how you, and the few others that post the same way here, go through life. Using the blame game. Sad.
  22. That’s the crazy thing. They think this will get them re-elected.
  23. No. Tibs is an idiot Billstime is an idiot. Wait....?
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