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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Yeah but the Bills are getting a new tax payer funded stadium so you got that going for you…..which is nice.
  2. If you think the GOP has a monopoly on hypocrisy you’re a political hac……oh yeah….never mind. Carry on blinder boy.
  3. If you think the idiocy is only one party you are a partisan hac…….oh wait…..never mind.
  4. Things already are relaxed and easy. Trust me if/when the win the SB the pressure will really be on.
  5. The church has NOTHING to do with Jesus’s teachings? You sure you want to go with that?
  6. This isn’t a lie.
  7. As I mentioned when T&C mentioned this in another thread I hope it’s not politically motivated. And I’ll drop this here. I lived in the Bay Area for 8.5 years and 3.5 in the city. This is freaking hilarious. https://ktla.com/news/california/one-california-city-named-best-vacation-spot-in-the-world-by-national-geographic?utm_source=ktla_app&utm_medium=social&utm_content=share-link Breathtaking??? It’s a shithole extraordinaire.
  8. I’ve had lots of conversations with my liberal or middle of the road friends and clients. That’s the common thing I’m hearing. Is the woke culture is way out of hand and moving the country in the wrong direction. It’s only the few diehards here (and God Bless them) that are cheering this stuff on. I just hope deep down they are cringing. Just as I do whenever Trump speaks.
  9. Did he threaten POC? So as long as he didn’t threaten them it’s cool? So what yo’rer saying is there are no POC millionaires? How color blind of your How about we help ALL economically challenged people regardless of color? Our Panderer-in-Chief.
  10. How did I know this was going to be about Trump. Upset? Nope. Embarrassed. Instead of bringing up Trump let’s have an adult conversation regarding what Biden said. Do you not see the issue with him essentially saying POC are they ones that cannot afford these fees?
  11. I really hope this wasn’t politically motivated.
  12. Yup those POC’s that are too poor to afford to pay those fees. Good Lord.
  13. The most common price?? 🤦🏻‍♂️
  14. Nope. Singles and doubles here. You’re the king of the unforced errors. I even kick your ass at sports metaphors. 🙄
  15. When I say it's not a threat I'm the arbitrator of what is and what is not a threat. When you say it is a threat you are not the arbitrator of what is and what is not a threat. How about we agree that neither of us is the arbitrator of what is or not a threat mmmmmkay? Now to you having to make up quotes to make your argument? That would indicate, to me anyway, you've lost the argument We're done here.
  16. Who was he targeting? Easy. The Jewish-American Community. Pay up or you're next? Who said that? No I am not the arbitrator of what justifies a threat. But you are. Got it.
  17. Absolutely they do have have every right to fear these threats. This isn’t one. And your last point. You have gone insane. You have no idea what my thoughts are regarding the Jewish community.
  18. Deadline? Ask Iran. Trump giving tough love to the Jewish community is the antithesis is antisemitism. I So your dumbassery has company. Your point?
  19. So those working for tips? What tips? Yeah fug em. Yes it was abused because it was hastily put together because it needed to be thrown together. This damn thing moved fast. People were not working and couldn’t collect unemployment because as you said they were still employed. Now let’s work on the comparison between this and the student loan forgiveness. This is the true conversation we’re having. They are not even remotely similar.
  20. Before it’s too late. Let’s think about this Billy. Who is threatening Israel? It’s not me. It’s not you. It’s not Donald. It’s not even the Proud Boys. Hmmmm who could it be….who could it be? 🤔
  21. See here’s the difference between me and you. When I ask you to repeat your stance you turn into a child. Neener neener neener. Go find it yourself. I will tell you again my interpretation of what Trump said. He was disappointed that Jews in the US were not supportive of Israel. And that they should get their ***** together. You’re the only one that has a problem with this. I haven’t even seen the ADL chime in on this. This all stems from your psychosis and TDS.
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