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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. If we were talking about the city of Buffalo proper in comparison to other US cities he’d have a point. But he mentioned the 716 and that was my issue with which I brought my challenge and he lost. He then doubled down with a link that actually said there are parts of Buffalo (suburbs) that are actually doing very well. What are you thanking me for? You don’t even know what I do.
  2. That’s not what I do. There I corrected you. I have a client who played for the Bills. We were talking about the area. He said he always liked to research the cities where he played and said he was surprised to find out that in it's hay day Buffalo had more millionaires per capita than any other city in America. I was surprised to learn that too.
  3. No seriously. Explain to everyone what I do for a living.
  4. Define wealthy? I will tell you there is money in the 716. Every major city (like Buffalo/Niagara Falls) has lots of doctors, lawyers, business owners, professional athletes, etc that make a lot of money. Areas like the Deep South, Alaska, rural Midwest and plains, and the deserts of the Southwest are literally dirt poor throughout the whole area. So while the 716 has its share of poor people (every metropolitan area does) it is far from one of the poorest areas in America. He spoke out his ass was called out on it and turned tail. I really do not like that type of poster here who refuses to debate.
  5. Been there done that and even gave that information to Billstime with the note: one city does not and area code make. Thanks for playing.
  6. I painted with a broad brush which is wrong. I hate when people do that and I broke my own rule. However you asked for examples of Liberal Hate and I provided it. I'm still waiting for your examples to back up your claims: 1. That the 716 is one of the poorest areas in America 2. Thousands show up at Trumps cult rallies with racist, white supremacist or Nazi regalia & hand signs.
  7. You don’t even know what I do
  8. See this is how it’s done. If I had time (some of us are essential) I’d copy a ***** ton of hateful posts by the lefties here. And as I said I witnessed it first hand living in the Bay Area. The anger on display there was astounding.
  9. Liberalism has, for whatever reason, has become a party of hate. After living in the Bay Area for several years I saw it first hand. I didn’t like Obama’s policies for the most part but didn’t hate everything he did or said. I actually would think he’d be a very interesting person to have over for dinner.
  10. Such a tragedy. I’ve never been able to figure out how the very anti-establishment hippies of the 60’s have become such pro/big government today. They went from taking care of themselves on communes to taking care of everyone whether they want or even need the help.
  11. If that’s how you measure it the virus story has been over from the beginning.
  12. Joe Biden? Is that really you?
  13. “Yeah, I understand that he wants everyone to stay at home so they don’t spread the corona, but he should know that I want him to kiss my ass,” Huntington Beach resident Jimmy DeLong said between hits from the bong. Bob? Is that you?
  14. You’re truly an idiot.
  15. Point one. Unfortunately they can go out when the government feels it safe. See the difference? Point two. No one said that meant the pandemic is over. It means the economy needs to get back to work.
  16. Keep banging that drum. LANDSLIDE!! Seriously. You’re married right. Haven’t we all at least once said “just ***** kill me so the nagging stops!”
  17. What is your point here? Did you read the whole article or just the headline and the part you quoted?
  18. So what you’re saying is that any racists who are now planning on voting for Biden will join all us Trump loving racists? Landslide!!’
  19. Ahhhh the racists Trump base. I'm still waiting on photographic or video proof of thousands who show up with racist, white supremacist or Nazi regalia & hand signs at every single one of his cult rallies.
  20. No it’s very relevant. Trump may many things but clairvoyant is not one of them. A vast majority of the (business and political) leaders in the world downplayed this.
  21. Ok and I was not just looking at countries. There were thousands of countries and municipalities that weren’t ready. A vast majority of the world was not prepare. But this one’s on Trump. ? They do here. It always struck me as paranoid.
  22. Everyone held South Korea up as an example of preparedness. Well when you have unpredictable neighbors like they have I’m not surprised they were prepared. Probably more concerned with a biological “invasion” than a pandemic.
  23. Is that it? And that’s a serious question.
  24. Give a list of those that acted quickly enough.
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