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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. In what world is calling someone a ***** moron appropriate?
  2. Snow?? WTF?? I heard them taking about East Coast weather but didn’t know there was snow. Sorry man. ?
  3. Dude it is soooooo easy. Goat milk (Trader Joe’s carries it) cider vinegar. And seasoned with whatever. Here is the recipe I used. Butter muslin is cheesecloth. After the curd has drained put it in a bowl and season with kosher salt and whatever you want. Then roll into a cylinder and wrap in plastic. https://www.culturesforhealth.com/learn/recipe/cheese-recipes/goat-cheese-cider-vinegar/
  4. I was waiting for someone to respond in this fashion to that post. And I'm not surprised it was you. LOL
  5. I’ve never had an issue with mozzarella cheese. I just get regular whole milk at the store. What are you issuing to make the curd?
  6. I do not. But you have no clue do you?
  7. By being a jerk yes. You even talk about smoking. But instead of joining the fun you become a jerk. Par for the course. Carry on.
  8. Who?? No we’re protesting.
  9. Says the guy on a Bills message board. ?
  10. Well yeah it is seeing we have to put up with it here. Regardless it’s just a very strange way to go through life.
  11. Well not all of us. Proud of being a jerk. Why?
  12. Well then. Not a quality people are usually proud of but you’ve proven yourself to be a very unusual person time and time again. Weird.
  13. Go look at your tax return. That will cure those hunger pangs.
  14. I’m not crass or classless you ***** moron!! Post of the day folks. It’s still early but will be hard to top that.
  15. I get most of my curing equipment ingredients from The Sausage Maker. I need to load up my curing box. All my charcuterie I made over the holidays is gone. I’ve been so fricken busy lately. I’ll make some cheese too. Made some goat cheese a few weeks ago. Easiest cheese to make!
  16. My my answer to everyone that asks how long. Until it’s done. ? Depends in many factors. Size of the cut. Temp you smoke it at. But a typical brisket is at least 6 hours at 220.
  17. Not sure. Never used anything other than my egg. Sorry @Gugny I’m still using it. BTW took my own advice. Got a corned beef to make pastrami tomorrow. And a pork loin. Not sure if I’ll smoke or cure the loin. ? All I can tell you is done smoke your bacon. Cure it only. Everyone smokes their bacon.
  18. I’ve not smoked bacon or sausages. I cure those. I just smoke large cuts. I need a better smoker for sausages/bacon. Even ribs in my smaller egg is a pain.
  19. An opinion on a topic done to death that didn’t need its own thread? You mean that topic?
  20. But the market had its best April in 80 years so the economy is doing great!
  21. Next time get a nice fatty piece of corned beef. Cover it in cracked black pepper and coriander before the smoke.......VIOLA! Pastrami. For more delightful culinary tips such as this listen to my podcast Tibs‘s Threads Suck. Might as Well Cook found on iHeart Radio or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts
  22. Ok was he arrested or temporarily detained? The “lovely group of women“ comment aside it would be interesting to find out. You follow a “lovely group of women” mistakenly into an all girl dorm you may get stopped and detained. But it takes more than “mistakenly” following them to get arrested. I wonder what the arrest record (if there is one) says.
  23. People think pharma just magically pull pills from their ass.
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