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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. My point exactly. You mentioned the “unfortunate” ones who are I debt could use the tax breaks. They would have those tax breaks and still be in debt. Fools will be fools. And you and I didn’t benefit from those stock by backs? So a buy back is “almost” securities fraud? ????
  2. We are with the exception is if the person being offered the bribe had any scruples they’d say no hence putting the briber (drug dealer) out of business. The term Statesman has been removed from the English lexicon.
  3. Are you always this dense? I’m blaming politicians who have become more and more concerned about themselves and lining their own pockets than they are about the people they serve. This was never the intention of the Founders.
  4. Report from the front: 1. On our many walks I’m noticing a vast majority of the people are not wearing masks out in wide open spaces. That number is down quite a bit. 2. I would like to to a social experiment to see why type of person, what type of personality, what type of upbringing prompts people to choose to or not to wear a mask out in public. Mostly wide open spaces. 3. Saw a homeless person. We don’t see many in this part of SoCal. Anyway It got me to thinking. It’s quite interesting that a government that prefers we stay at home and use precautions to protect the health of others appears to have no problem with tens of thousands of people living, peeing and pooping on the streets that are a major threat to, you got it, the health of others.
  5. Yeah I got that. And understand my point I’m making. All I’m doing is pointing out the folly of your point that people are going to do the right thing with the tax breaks. That is all. Oh and most average Americans did get a tax break.
  6. You blame the system. I blame the people who created and run the system. You can’t blame something that was created you blame the creators. Back to the drug analogy. If there were no drug addicts there’d be no drug dealers.
  7. No. Expecting people who live in debt to use tax breaks to reduce their debt is like feeding a drug addict expecting them to quit drugs. That kind of metaphor.
  8. It’s called a metaphor.
  9. You’re going to blame the lobbyists? Because politicians have sold us out to the highest bidder the bidders are the ones at fault?
  10. Excuse me? Then why are you here?
  11. Because we have children running our government and have for years.
  12. And I took my own advice (yeah yeah I know) and bought a corned beef to be turned into pastrami.
  13. So what you’re saying is we give people in debt more money to spend? I assume your in favor of giving drug addicts free drugs?
  14. So you’re talking about Democrats being left out of the process not a segment of the population being left out?
  15. I think before I knee jerk reply to this (my knee jerk reaction is no one should above the law) we have to discuss this. Why Is a sitting President immune from indictment?
  16. Wait so #orangemannotbad? Are you ok?
  17. And if he did could he be prosecuted?
  18. You’re wasting your time. When challenged some of these lefties turn into 5 year olds.
  19. The wife and have taken to diving around SoCal on the empty freeways. Last weekend it was Palm Springs this weekend to Long Beach for a picnic and a walk around Naples Island. I’m going to hate when the traffic comes back.
  20. Some of those people are susceptible to death by doing/eating/drinking things that you and I take for granted. If they mange their disease regularly they are used to being careful.
  21. Bravo Elon! We are staring to let people come back to the o office on a voluntary basis starting tomorrow. They have to go through HR and all our offices have to approve it. I have plenty of space and I have five staff already in private offices and five more client meeting rooms that will not be used in the foreseeable future and an open floor plan to move work stations. So plenty of ability for social distancing. I’m in Orange County and we have offices in LA, San Diego and Riverside Counties (and other states). This county by county thing is asinine. Now we’ve been deemed essential so that could be the difference but still. We have to start getting back to it.
  22. Thank you Donald Trump!! Hey if they can be dummies for laying all the blame at his feet I can be a dummy and give him credit right?
  23. No you mentioned them. Go ahead. Name them.
  24. What racists slobs are you referring to?
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