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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. 11. Del Boca Vista. LOL!!!! BTW the outtakes of that scene are hilarious!
  2. Change the subject? Good lord man! This is the subject of the thread YOU started.
  3. I love when I take my daily hike/walk and I see people outside with no one withing 50 yards and they are wearing a mask. We have created a bunch of paranoid fearful closed minded robots. Heard in a grocery store in SF a few years ago (Seriously): Johnny...don't walk away you might get kidnapped. Heard by my mother 50 years ago: Jimmy...be careful playing at the gravel pit. You KNOW your uncle died there when he was your age.
  4. I'd consider moving. If I don't have a phone how do I get into these public places? Would I be required to wear something like a yellow star on my shirt to prove I'm virus free? Or just pull them off his bookshelf.
  5. If the President breaks a law to win the election is that considered a High Crime and/or Misdemeanor?
  6. Impossible. She'll outlive us all.
  7. I know all this first hand. The addict holds the cure. But I’m looking at this fine the demand side of supply and demand.
  8. Take control of your addiction. It’s a curable disease.
  9. So you blame and inanimate object? There would be no need for drug dealers if people with addictive personalities learned how to overcome them their cravings.
  10. Sorry. It was a NUMMI so I was close. LOL As long as the beaches are open in St John I don’t care. We don’t do much else while we are there anyway.
  11. Wait. Is he an egotistical narcissistic bastard who cares about no one but himself or is he the jealous type? So hard to keep these things straight. Do you guys have a playbook or something?
  12. All six Bay Area counties (for whatever reason) are lagging the rest of the state regarding phase 2. They were the first to go shelter in place and likely the last to ease the restrictions. https://www.sfgate.com/news/editorspicks/amp/Bay-Area-reopen-business-retail-date-when-Stage-2-15258890.php
  13. And by the lower half you mean the upper 3/4’s right? Clueless.
  14. Well I wouldn’t be surprised if Alameda gave him a sweet deal on the plant. The Tesla plant is the old Nissan plant in Fremont. He “just” moved into the empty space.
  15. Wait no. I was home that day. We are so ***** rich that our house is so big we have to email just to let each other know dinner is ready and take a tram from our home offices to the dining room. Yeah that’s it!
  16. I don’t. I see it as they truly feel CEO’s of large corporations are evil. That they just sit around and make millions with no risk. They are worker bees that don’t understand why upper management make so much. They have no clue the risk a CEO has and continues to take.
  17. But I think the point being made that while many people are born predisposed to certain ailments many of the conditions that cause people to be susceptible to severe illness when they get the virus is self-inflicted. And that is likely a MUCH greater percentage. I go in the office a few days a week and that was one of them. ?
  18. I got an email last week from my wife with the subject line HOLY CRAP. She found round trip tickets to St Thomas (we rent a house in St John on a regular basis) for $337 with only one stop in Miami. She was very ready to pull the trigger. Does anyone know if the USVI beaches are open? ?
  19. My mom (94) worries every year during flu season. She doesn’t seem worried much about coronavirus due to all the precautions in place to protect her. Did anyone wear a mask during regular flu season in the past? This is interesting.
  20. But #ceosbad! Then why did you use the word GUARANTEED in all caps twice?
  21. This in now ways means that they served for their benefit and their benefit only.
  22. About 10 years ago when we first moved to SF my wife got terribly ill. She was sick for 3 months. Fluid in her lungs (the drew out a litre of fluid in one procedure), around her heart, had a constant fever and terrible night sweats. I was sure I was going to lose her. She got better but swore she got it on the filthy metro system she rode to work every day. The city was a filthy petri dish.
  23. I know how stock buybacks work. You do realize that every shareholder has the ability to do the EXACT same thing right? And you do realize that a stock buyback does not GUARANTEE the share price will rise don't you?
  24. As a public company who benefits from the increased share price? You likely didn’t B word when your 401k doubled. And we had the lowest unemployment in what 50 years. Is there nothing over the last 3.5 years that half the country won’t complain about?
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