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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. So we need a wall? ? They do not suggest it while in parks and trails however. But you refuse to acknowledge that.
  2. Well why didn’t he say so. That would have saved us all a lot of back and forth.
  3. Why quote me on this? I have no problem with him doing him. He’s the one that has the issue with me killing his family.....I mean doing me.
  4. What do you think, I run up and hug every person I see on the trail? Good lord man! Why are you so obsessed with the mask? Are you ugly? I do EXACTLY what every sign on the trail asks me to do. Practice social distancing. It says nothing about wearing a mask so I don’t. If you’re that bunged up about people wearing a mask while they hike stay home. Because NO ONE is wearing one out there.
  5. I do respect them. I keep my distance. What else you want. Shine your shoes? Cook your dinner? Yes it does. No masks even recommended on the trail. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/visitors.html If a park, beach, or recreational facility is open for public use, visiting is okay as long as you practice social distancing and everyday steps such as washing hands often and covering coughs and sneezes Cover coughs and sneezes.
  6. I understand most of this however here is were my logical mind comes in to play. Why the inference? Why the pretty big clue as you put it? Why the semantic tap dance? I get this as a big maybe....maybe not. Seems pretty ball-less to me.
  7. Off season plus quarantine equals this.
  8. Decency? The CDC tells me I should go out to parks and trails. That it’s actually good for me. ?. It says nothing about wearing a mask. Doesn’t even recommend it. So if you fear me on the trail that much you can stay home. To use your words “your choice.”
  9. So explain to me what this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, mean?
  10. The wishy-washiest things I’ve ever read. That last sentence is pure comedy. It essentially says “we have no clue what we are doing” Like when I have a client who gives me a solid maybe. “Come back when you have a solid yes or no. In the meantime good luck!”
  11. And this is how this whole mask conversation started 4 hours ago when I said this. It somehow morphed into “you gramma killing virus spreading douchebags!!” I love when I take my daily hike/walk and I see people outside with no one withing 50 yards and they are wearing a mask. We have created a bunch of paranoid fearful closed minded robots.
  12. I choose not to wear a mask when I’m out in open spaces like hiking trails and through the neighborhoods.
  13. You don’t sneeze in public? How do you pull that one off?
  14. I wrap a dish towel around my face when I go to the store. ?
  15. Yes I’m impressed by someone who beat all the odds, who no one thought had a chance to win has now been the leader of the “free world” for the last 3.5 years and has a great chance to continue for the next four years. You? You’re impressed by a childish, immature brat who goes around calling people who he disagrees with “ball-lickers”. Oh and where have I said he’s performed well?
  16. Hmmmm. Now if you hit her over the head with a rock every time she dug up your flowers and she still came back? Then and only then would she be worthy of the name Tiberius.
  17. You’re very easily impressed. Oh and news from the front. Took a hike out in the hills overlooking the Laguna Coast. Between the short drive to and from and the hike we saw probably 50 people. Only one mask. What a bunch of douchebags.
  18. Don't give me this sanctimonious BS unless you plan on wearing a mask come every flu season for the rest of your life.
  19. But it is deadly right? So in reality you don't care you've just bought into the Simon Says hype. As I mentioned my mother worries every year when flu season comes along because of her age. No one EVER wore a mask around her during the flu season which kills how many every year?
  20. So I anticipate you to be wearing a mask for the rest of your life come every flu season right?
  21. You are really good at Simon Says I bet. Are you more afraid of spreading or getting? I don't have a mask and wear a cloth over my face when i go to the store because I have to.
  22. Me too! And it would be 1997. That year really sucked. I've never met that woman in my life. I swear.
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