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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. If you think DR (or most of us) considers Republicans our saviors you’ve no been paying attention.
  2. In my mind there is no proper reason. It’s a slippery slope that the lazy allow to happen.
  3. If they can search without a warrant using any reason that reason will be used over and over. Once we wise up to THAT reason they’ll come up with another. Seriously? You’ve been watching way too many movies.
  4. Yes we should. I’ll wait for your other 19 doozies.
  5. That was going to be my reply. I was talking to a business associate who said hospitals get payments if a death is deemed caused by Covid and even more if they went in a ventilator? Is this even remotely true? Sorry I missed 3rdnlng’s post but question still stands.
  6. Describe a situation when we are smart enough to give them up?
  7. And why a very good friend of mine who works in ER can’t get a job because we have....you got it. Too much healthcare to give. Basic supply and demand.
  8. There is so much wrong with this I don’t know where to start so I won’t. I’ll just ??‍♂️ I’ll take a bridge. One that will take me from Here to Away From Here please.
  9. How is this helping? The HEROES Act also requires the Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Abuse to “submit a report to Congress that details a strategy for offering support or providing technical assistance for training programs for National Suicide Prevention Lifeline counselors to increase competency in serving LGBTQ youth.”
  10. I was talking with a lawyer years ago who defended restaurants in food poisoning cases. She said she always asks “did the plaintiff give a stool sample within 24 hours of eating at the restaurant in question?” The answer is usually no. So, according to her, there is no proof the illness came from that restaurant. Case dismissed! Easy money.
  11. But you called him a moron for saying there had not been an uptick. You said, and I quote, “there has been an uptick”. So what is considered an uptick? .5%? 5%? 50%? Pandemic! BEST THING EVER!!!
  12. We have started letting people back voluntarily as of this week. We have provided (with training) strict protocols such as social distancing, hand washing and proper sanitation. I have posted signs throughout the office stating the protocol. I assume seeing they have been trained, it’s voluntary and they have acknowledged this we should be ok. Will this keep people from suing? Of course not. Would they win? Hard to say. By the way half of my staff has chosen to work from home.
  13. Uptick? Is that considered a mathematical term or a scientific term?
  14. Exactly. Does he look worried?
  15. Again I didn’t follow all that closely because my life is very busy but if Mueller couldn’t say that the President committed a crime what was the point of this whole Kabuki Dance?
  16. What is wrong with 35 year olds to the point of them having strokes??
  17. Criminal charges or not and frustrations aside have to admit that was in pretty poor tastes.
  18. I'm as cynical as the next guy but I'm thinking it's more of they just don't have the balls to make a decision. Hand wringing at it's finest.
  19. Getting a lot of mileage out of this? Methinks it's time to return to work.
  20. We're already having people come back to work in my office.
  21. Tail to snout baby! Tail to snout!
  22. Are you ***** kidding me?!?! Why? What does this mean?
  23. Hey I appreciate your apology but not needed. You're the one coming across as butt hurt here. If you are so concerned about coming within 6 feet of someone not wearing a mask in the Great Wide Open I suggest you stay home. Almost no one is wearing a mask when I'm outdoors.
  24. Nope. I'm saying it is VERY possible to avoid close proximity when out is the GREAT WIDE OPEN! Where's DC Tom when you really need to bug him. Get your lazy ass out and find out for yourself how EASY it is to practice social distancing while hiking and visiting parks.
  25. Which I do but for some reason I’m being selfish if I choose to me able to breath when I’m on a strenuous hike ar least six feet away from everyone I encounter. This is not a retort to you this is in response to @SectionC3 doing what you rightly called social shaming. Chapter one out of the SJW playbook. Ant that’s where I, and most fit. In between. I guess he doesn’t understand that.
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