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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. That’s funny? Holy hell Tibs. You’re one boring dude.
  2. Where did I pick and choose? I’m just pointing out you’re posting pictures of Trump in a thread about Biden that’s all. You can post whatever you like. As a matter of fact continue to post dumb *****. Scream your dumb ***** from the rooftops. It helps the Trump 2020 campaign. ??
  3. I know you’re being sarcastic but @BillStime was not and he never did offer photo or video proof of the thousands of people in Nazi regalia and flashing white supremacy signs at Trump rallies. Tibs hates questions.
  4. All the sheets are being used to cover the millions of dead bodies. Duh.
  5. Actually I love seeing him at work. And the one of his inauguration? ***** awesome! I’m just pointing out they have nothing to do with the thread topic.
  6. What does the above post have to do with the topic of the thread. ???. Oh....NOTHING!
  7. Well I think it’s safe to say if it’s people from PPP your and my list will likely be very similar.
  8. What?!?!? They told me I had to wear a mask so I put on a mask.
  9. So LA has mandated (I think) people wearing masks when they leave their homes. Ok awesome! So we're good right? We're totally protecting ourselves and others right? So we're all going back to work right? Right.? Is this thing on......Bueller...Bueller...Bueller? But seriously. If everyone is in protective masks why can't we open up and go back to work? I don't get it.
  10. Which blue states are densely populated? Sorry wrong map. Which yellow states are densely populated?
  11. Yeah what do I know. ?
  12. When they stop you what are they seizing other than your time? If it was deemed a violation of your rights why are they still being conducted? And what does Hillary have to do with this?
  13. How did Trump ruin the economy?
  14. Says the guy who can't answer "what right are you giving up to be subjected to the horrors of a checkpoint?"
  15. And what right is being violated with this stop? You do know they post the checkpoints so you can avoid them right? What does this mean? Again....what right am I losing to tip my hat and say "good evening officer"?
  16. People should fear DUI. And DWI?? Where you from?
  17. Who is being stopped for no reason? Damn I have a few back to back meetings I need to get to. Such shame because this is amazingly interesting.
  18. No no no don't go back to that. We still want to find out how roadblocks are a violation of your rights.
  19. Who is being drug tested FOR YEARS and for what reason??
  20. I'll take the former. He seems too cognitively impaired for the latter. And I know one person on the board who had never been hauled in for a DUI.
  21. Excuse me?? How is a roadblock a violation of your rights? They cannot search you right. When can they literally draw blood from you without your consent? You can say no. You do realize that correct??
  22. And people STILL don't ***** know why we have a President Trump. Explain the first two.
  23. Scandals? Now you're talking scandals. Dude slow down. You're all over the place. Now back to rights we've lost. Let's start with the first three of the five you're talking about.
  24. We’re talking rights taken away not government shoving up our asses.
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