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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. You should. Not caring what others think is why you come across as a boorish, classless; immature, selfish prick. But you seem to enjoy not being liked which is weird.
  2. The first three words say or all. You don’t care because you got yours. There is no way you can spin this and come out not sounding like the selfish prick you are. Couple that with your posting history and style? Lose/lose.
  3. A good many of us here are doing fine financially but DO CARE when things go back to normal because we CARE about people other than ourselves. And you don't care because you're a selfish prick.
  4. I wasn't sure to use the laugh or cry emoji for that. So I went with cry.
  5. That if things open up and you don't like it you can stay home? Good for you. I don't give a crap about that. It's the fact that you don't care if things go back to normal because you've got yours. Selfish prick.
  6. By quoting you directly I have no idea what I'm talking about? What did you mean by this? "It doesn't really matter to me when things get back to normal." "I can just lay low. No biggie." If that ain't the epitome of selfishness I don't know what is.
  7. What a load of crapola. The reason they've collected less is because of the delay in income tax filing. They are talking about 2019 income tax revenue which has what the ***** all to do with Coronavirus?
  8. And obviously pretty damn proud of it. You got yours ***** everyone else. You could care less right? I was being kind calling you a selfish prick.
  9. Why would it resonate with me? So your point is that Nancy wants to help get Trump re-elected? Cool! She’s finally coming around. Thanks for pointing that out. No he actually said Nancy was trying to HELP Trump. ?
  10. Of course the waiver protects both the employee and the employer.
  11. You know the best way to bail out more companies? And why did you feel it necessary to post the vulgar moron's rant again?
  12. I didn't even touch the $1b because I felt that stupidity went without saying. Who did they hire Saul Goodman? There should be. I know our company is walking on egg shells and going through all sorts of hoops to cover our asses with people coming back to work. As of now it's 100% voluntary.
  13. Nancy is trying to help him?? Bwahahahahahahahahahahhaaha!!!!! She trying to protect their phony baloney jobs.
  14. My sincere condolences for you loss.
  15. Well well well. Now isn’t this interesting. I’ve been saying this for a very long time. I would be surprised if the percentage was even higher.
  16. You forgot the words “in my opinion”. I’ve been going out every day without a mask except to the grocery store because I have to for two months now. Shouldn’t I be dead?
  17. DC Tom is one of your best friends? Tell him we miss him but if he’s thinking of popping back in please gracefully tell him we don’t miss him THAT much.
  18. I feel ***** fantastic. Why do you ask?
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