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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I finally have someone to blame for my “issues”. My psychologist is going to be thrilled.
  2. Who are these you that you refer to? Football board?? Get the ***** out?!?!?
  3. Oh no I’m not hurt at all by what you say. How you degrade Trump supporters. How you bag on people who attend his rallies. Keep it up. Tell everyone about how you feel about Trump supporters. Shout it from the rooftops! It not only energizes the base it moves those in the middle more to the right. It’s a beautiful thing. Turns snowflakes into an avalanche! Thank you. ??
  4. I'm talking about how absurd your post was about how you're a good little soldier and do what you're told by the government and giving people ***** for doing what the government (Trump) tells them what to do. IN THE SAME POST!! I'm not surprised you have no clue how ***** absurd you sound. All in the name of ORANGE MAN BAD. But you go ahead and turn that into some "hope you get the virus" karma thing.
  5. So what Karma are you exactly talking about? You're the one that got caught with your hypocritical pants down and you somehow turn that into bad Karma for me. Bravo.... Your post was so ***** dumb I can't believe you even chose to respond to me pointing out how hypocritical is was. How many kids you got?
  6. Ok ok discussion on a wall and closing it (I assume you meant the border right). Now were back to PPP. Thanks B-Man!
  7. Better to choke on Karma then to be run over by your own hypocrisy. So you do you bro......?
  8. Now this is great. You say you'll do whatever the government tells you to do and in the same post you chastise people for doing what the government (Trump) tells them to do. Are you this confused all the time or only when........ ORANGE MAN BAD!! Confederate flag! Nice. I still don't know how Trump won. --------- Clueless "'We're Better Than You" liberals
  9. And they use a bill designed to pump up the economy to fund the government and their pet projects. Helluva gig they got there. No wonder we have so many lifers.
  10. Yea I’m kidding. It’s still here. Used it just yesterday.
  11. I think that was his point. A dumb one but a point nonetheless.
  12. And you’ll do whatever some government entity tells you to having little or no idea where they are getting their information from. And what was this process that your state used to create this new “law”? World’s biggest game of Simon Says.
  13. Well now isn’t this interesting. You’re saying the bill is designed help the government?
  14. Same. I know a few who think they had it early on but were never diagnosed.
  15. They are a couple of guy (William Smith and William Jones) who I sold my Egg to.
  16. How dare you draw me into a Bills thread. ?
  17. Yes! When I read that yesterday I was thinking “dude ***** that up big time!”
  18. Silly? That’s the best you got?? Come on man. Step up your game! ?
  19. . This whole keeping businesses in the dark is a B word. Sure they don’t know or have a lot of answers but how involved are the business communities involved in the decision making?
  20. News From the Front: As the wife and I have taken to visiting different parts of SoCal on the weekends for 1) just needing to get out and 2) there is little traffic we can get around pretty quickly. Today's Journey: Downtown LA and Beverly Hills Downtown was pretty quiet. I've not been downtown in years so not sure how it normally looks late morning early afternoon on a Sunday but I was surprised at the number of shops open and the number of street vendors doing pretty decent business. Beverly Hills was quiet too but more people not wearing masks (they are required there too) there than in downtown LA where there were only a few that were.....
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