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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Of course. He’d pray for the pandemic (you know the BEST ONE EVER!!) to continue through to the first Tuesday in November. Hello
  2. Took me a minute to figure out what the hell I was looking at. Clever.
  3. Ok I blew that one. See how a real man admits his mistake. You should try it sometime.
  4. Says the guy who brings up Trump in a thread about nursing homes. Jesus.
  5. My dad passed away at home a month before his 90th. He had a heart attack. I assume he was pissed because he was not likely going to be able to ski that winter. Dude was an amazing skier. Classy. ?
  6. The adults are talking about nursing homes. Take your incessant Orangemanbad to the kids table.
  7. My 94 year old mom is still living at home. The home she grew up in as a matter of fact. I am so glad she’s not in a nursing home.
  8. Now that your cover has been blown can you introduce me to some Russian chicks? That accent is hot.
  9. It's interesting other than the 99% of the guys here (sorry @Buffalo_Gal) most of the people I talk to that are die hard Trump fans are women.
  10. @Buftex Ok give us your take on what you'd have done differently and what any of our so-called leaders on both sides of the aisle have said they would do differently.
  11. I love all the finger pointing but not one person here and very few "leaders" stepping up and saying what they would do or have done differently.
  12. Remorse? Methinks @Tiberius doesn't know what the word means.
  13. Did he advise we take it? Was he making a recommendation?
  14. Well at least you’ve not pulled a dumb Donald and said you were being sarcastic.
  15. Seriously? You can do better than that. Oh wait. No you can’t.
  16. News from the front: Today was my first day back in the office full time. When I left there were more people heading to their cars than since this started. I work in one or two twin 12 story buildings. No one has on masks. The freeway is starting to get more crowded and actually saw a few planes landing at the nearby airport. We’re done, fed up tired of the whole Big Brother act. We’re going back to normal and Gavin said when he was mayor of SF “whether you like or or not.....” So goes the rest of the nation....little does he know.
  17. Awesome. This is from the guy who said thousands of people show up at Trump rallies in Nazi regalia and flashing white supremacy hand signals. Now THAT’S ***** embarrassing. Awwww look. Billstime classless twin brother showed up to defend him. Isn’t this cute.
  18. That’s right. You’re like the little kid at the big kids party trying to hit the piñata and having no idea why the big kids are laughing at you.
  19. As I suspected. Not one clue. But you keep swinging. You may figure it out but I doubt it.
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