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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. So you’ve got no proof. So you failed, misspoke or lied. Which is it? Be a man. Fess up.
  2. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/doctors-raise-alarm-about-health-effects-of-continued-coronavirus-shutdown This is so true. I’ve already had my routine bloodwork as well as a dermatologist visit as a follow from a biopsy last year canceled. My wife has had a mammogram skipped as well. I don’t understand this at all. Today I met with a client who is an ER nurse. She said they built tents to care for the influx of patients that “never came”. They’ve laid off 40% and the rest are being forced to work part time and take PTO if they meed too. The P in PTO is personal. This isn’t personal time.
  3. Then you’re wrong and you lose. And I suck at this??
  4. Now that’s just mean B-Man.
  5. Neither. I waiting for you to provide proof that he does not pay any taxes.
  6. I suggest you go back and read the exchange between him and Hillary. Also go back and read what you wrote
  7. Not how it works my friend. You have obviously seen Trumps return to proclaim he pays no taxes. So back up your claim or admit you’re wrong. Wait. I thought he lies all the time. I can’t keep up with the playbook.
  8. Explain you reasoning in that jackass of a post.
  9. Nah just pointing out your par for the course jackassery.
  10. He doesn’t? At least I make honest mistakes. You just make ***** up.
  11. What the ***** is wrong with you?? Now you’re just being an ass.
  12. That’s your response? It’s an absolutely beautiful thing.
  13. Not so sure. If he’s like me it’s the smaller bills on the outside and larger inside.
  14. And thanks to Trump you get to keep more of that revenue to do with what you like I’ve been waiting for you to ask for more accomplishments. So there’s another.
  15. Yes and no. Why do you ask? (He asks knowing Billstime will make some ridiculous comparison).
  16. Yes we have given the option. Only 1/3 of my staff has chosen to come back.
  17. Oh there are plenty of things. The funny thing is you will not agree with any of them. Let’s start with this one: The First Step Act.
  18. That's sad to admit that. But not surprising. Carry on.
  19. Now can you stop being a vulgar, immature, petulant child.
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