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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. He is no longer welcome? What does this mean?
  2. I wonder if they know the limit for Zoom is 500 attendees. No that’s Biggie Smalls
  3. Nah it will just be a boring rehash of every thread we already have here about him.
  4. I wonder if CNN talks so glowingly now about our military advances today?
  5. Well yes I think it has to do a lot with the amount of posting @Tiberius @Q-baby! @BillStime @SectionC3 on the board. Wait..........what...........?? Well no they'll fixate on the word POTENTIAL and call it a waste of money on something that has not been tested blah blah blah blah ORANGE MAN BAD blah blah blah blah. Donald?? ?
  6. They have been calling me a virus for a couple years now.
  7. This is GREAT news isn't it.
  8. Really?? You watch it press conferences? Why would you do that? I also think it's quite interesting you're comparing your posts here to a Trump press conference. Geeez, they are worse than I imagined.
  9. Or needed something to relieve himself on.
  10. Yes you guys are my lunchtime entertainment. Like watching children run around. Clueless but cute.
  11. It kind of happened. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Guns_of_the_South Nah you guys are losing your *****. Look...look...look what Trump said.
  12. What's to defend? It's fun to watch you TDS'ers lose your ***** over something stupid.
  13. This is an awesome thread. TDS at it's finest. Keep up the good work.
  14. Go back and read the post that you replied “Exactly. How dare we question him”.
  15. Yes. Typically rent is one of the largest monthly expenseS behind payroll. Mine is $11k a month. It was $20k a couple months ago and then we downsized and renegotiated. Wait if you can.
  17. Please explain which schedule/line item on his return will show how “rich” he is.
  18. When I first started we’d do house calls. Never ever again for me. I still have staff that do and I ask why. Most say because their clients are old. Well good luck going to client’s homes now.
  19. Tell a client “we can do your meeting and you don’t have to fight the 405 traffic. You don’t have to get a sitter” are good things. Telling them they don’t even have to put pants on? DONE!!
  20. And there it is. Example number one that people have NO clue what goes on a tax return. Yes he did. My point with the Baby was he said he doesn’t pay any taxes as in none...never....ever. Words have meaning.
  21. That’s it. It will likely show he makes a lot less than he says. Those hoping they show he’s worth less than what he says he is have no idea what a tax return shows. The only issue would be if he has a very low effective tax rate. Nothing nefarious there. However people could point and say “see!! Rich people pay little taxes. CHANGE IT!!!”
  22. My office footprint is set up so all of my 15 staff members can work with plenty of space. We can put several in our client meeting rooms until clients are allowed (or want to) come back.
  23. See this is the ***** we are doing to ourselves.
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