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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I work with a guy who said he has to go home around three because he has no energy. I don’t get it.
  2. Not even close. I proved it to you and you didn’t even acknowledge the fact that you were absolutely wrong! Ummmm no. Worst time of the year for Ramadan. What is it? 15 hours? Or he’ll longer up north.
  3. Nice try. You’re ***** obsessed. The TDS is strong in this one. Let’s see if you can go a full five posts in any subject here without mentioning the T-man.
  4. In a thread about CNN credibility in response to a post about Rachel Maddow you interject Trump. Obsessed much?
  5. Hence the “it goes away”. But it’s actually a joke.
  6. Nearly 4 decades for me. Man I’m feeling old. ?
  7. Turn off the TV and coronavirus goes away.
  8. Only a brain dead person would think that this was newsworthy. Oh wait.........never mind.
  9. Now this is interesting. Hey liberals! Get over it. Trump won and he may very well win again!! So regarding the crybaby accusation? Check your mirror. Objects may appear closer than they really are. Maybe not but it is often REALLY hard to tell the difference.
  10. Ummmm we're not talking about the President. But thanks for confirming my assertion of your low maturity level Me: You're acting like a child Billstime: Oh yeah....well look at how Trump acts!!!! Me: Go to your room. Cool because that's what we need to look at. Kind of like when a client calls and asks "did you see what the market did today?" Uhhhh no.........LOL
  11. I look at the full two weeks where the average is 3.6. It's like looking at the market every day. Even a two week chart is almost meaningless. How about a two month chart.
  12. But trending up. That's a hell of an increase from 5/19 to 5/20 and 5/21. Not sure what that means but it's a bounce off the bottom nonetheless.
  13. And this is why it's being handled on the local level. You're in CA and you know that each county here is opening up with different protocols and restrictions. None of this "lockdown" is on a national level. Recommendations are coming from the Feds but not rules. Most of what we have is data under tighter restrictions of where people can go. We have very little data on how things will be once we open EVERYTHING back up.
  14. I disagree. We/They're dealing with a hell of a lot of unknowns. I agree with it should be up to the local officials but again that could really backfire. We just don't know.
  15. I'm sorry I forgot to add: Immature Childish Petulant Trumphole. ? What are you? 12?
  16. Even thought I really can’t stand politicians (they rank a close 3rd behind celebrities and bicyclists) they are really in a tough position here of damned if you do damned if you don’t. Stay home crash the economy open up the cases/deaths may surge. The only thing is one of those two options is certain hence the word “may” in the second option. I don’t envy them at all.
  17. Facts?? No..... Opinions Feels Dumbassery
  18. Now that is quite interesting. I had an office in Walnut Creek for a few years. Beautiful area. Sad story.
  19. What I got out of that more than anything is that Google needs to prioritize their search results to factual results. Who at Google will be deeming content factual or not?
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