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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. He posts incessantly about Trump. He appears to be obsessed. See answering questions is easy.
  2. Do you ask for half off when buying condoms? I guess no more freebies for me? ?
  3. Not sure if he is but you certainly are....as usual. ?
  4. So wait.....***** the social distancing. Stick your masks up your ass. We all just become homeless and the virus goes away! Just give me my Nobel Prize now!
  5. They live on the streets in LA. They’re immune to everything at this point.
  6. You can't even talk about someone who you said would make a great POTUS without bringing up Trump. ? So without mentioned the current occupant of the WH what would make Cuban a GREAT POTUS?
  7. I shared a couple of accomplishments (which is how you phrased it) one of which you completely ignored so I stopped.
  8. Not just during this crisis but how believers have been treated in general the past several years has been criminal. Something about clinging to their guns and bibles. ..... But how is this possible. I thought all us conservative pro-lifers were bible thumpers.
  9. No I ask questions to clarify points that people make. There is so much baseless ***** thrown out here. And then when I ask questions for clarifications people (or trolls such as yourself) change the subject, call me names or ignore my questions altogether. It's kind of how true debate works. You should try it sometime.
  10. Yes. I’m surprised I’m not dead yet because I, god forbid, don’t wear my mask in my car which according to you protects no one else. Got it? Please Mr Scientist explain it to us how the masks work.
  11. Religion is bad and we must stop it at all costs. Edit: BTW I’m a non-believer and think it’s silly but would never hold anything against those that are.
  12. So what point were you trying to make when you told me "it's not all about you?"
  13. How does putting yours on in your vehicle protect others? ' I think you've banged your head a few too many times.
  14. Not necessarily. Again they price in risk and there is probably data that shows a kid under 25 who is on mommy and daddy's insurance is a higher risk. Kids out on their own at that age are typically more responsible.
  15. One thing insurance companies are really good at is pricing risk. There is likely a correlation between health of kids who pay their own and kids who rely on mommy and daddy. So though my post you quoted was a joke there is likely some truth to it. And yeah if daddy was smart he'd have the kid get their own coverage and pay for it. Or have the little ***** get a job and get his own insurance and pay it out of his paycheck.
  16. I think it's risk. If you're still paying for your 25 year old child's health insurance the kid is likely too dumb to keep from poking their eye out with a fork.
  17. It goes on at the front door and it comes off as soon as I exit. I'm surprised I'm not dead yet.
  18. And Tibs thinks it's still popular because he's still on mom's insurance. I can't believe what some people are paying now for insurance for themselves and their families.
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