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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I would love to once here a politician say "I ***** up. I made a bad decision. This is on me. I'm sorry." But no they all have to spin spin spin. I learned a long time ago as a manager/leader admitting you made a mistake and you will do what you can to make things right does wonders for the morale of your team.
  2. Ours our yours??
  3. When you amortize it over 15 years the difference between 2.8% and 2.5% is likely "pennies". I say let's look at the big picture. If you're going from say 25 years left on a 30 year down to 15 let's see how those last 10 years of no mortgage will effect your plan that far down the road. When money planning it's not so much how your decisions effect your plan month to month as it is how will your decisions you make today effect your plan down the road. Now I understanding your talking about 6 months but you have no idea what rates will be then. ***The above remarks were for entertainment value and do not constitute a recommendation. Your results may vary.** Why did Mickey Mouse want to divorce Minnie Mouse? She was ***** Goofy.
  4. But he wore blackface!!!! Jimmy's a racist who hates black people!! We know this because he wore blackface. ?
  5. Aaaaaaaaand it's gone.............
  6. Which DR did a good job explaining why which you conveniently ignored.
  7. I know! Were all gonna die (someday) and it's all Trump's fault.
  8. The issue often with retirement is the reduction of income and needing to reduce expenses. When you move from places like CA or NY and and drop up to 10% in income taxes and another several thousand in property taxes and cost of living all of a sudden retirement becomes a reality. And friends? Dude...you have us regardless of where you live.
  9. No worries man. You didn’t know. Buck Nasty calls the photo innocuous when it’s been deleted and the person who posted it was sent on vacation. When the mods pop in to PPP you know you ***** up.
  10. I was thinking this yesterday. People will not be as willing to live on top of one another. Progressives have been touting the urban plan when people packed closely is often not good. I wonder if they’re still going to push this? I can’t tell you how often the wife and I got sick living in SF. She nearly died from some terrible respiratory ailment that was never diagnosed.
  11. Ummmm innocuous? Did you see the picture? Ahhhh the word of the decade. I disagree with you so you’re a fascist!
  12. That’s my question. If these preventive measures why can’t we open up? Wrong analogy. Seatbelts save lives but people still die in car crashes so we should not drive cars.
  13. So what you’re saying be just because it’s not the “wonder drug” that we just move on? Most drugs are not miracle cures. Many just lessens the symptoms which allow for treatment.
  14. Huh. I took his question as curiosity in wanting to seriously know if the reason they were having success was because it was being taken with zinc.
  15. Can I give her my number? ?
  16. Mine works with lawyers so I give her a pass. ?
  17. He’ll still ***** them up. “Biden answer to good evening Mr Biden how are you? Take 1,382.”
  18. The answer they should all give but they never will: ??‍♂️
  19. The responses are sad.
  20. I apologize to the rest of the board for taking up space and engaging in this guy. Sorry.
  21. Wow you are one ***** up dude. I don’t believe in god. Think it’s silly but some very close people, some whom I love very much do so I often ask “what’s wrong with believing?” Get it?
  22. What option did you give me? I’m a nerd? First off you don’t know me at all and second what the ***** is wrong with being a nerd?
  23. You’re wasting your time. He has no clue. He has no class. He has demonstrated time and time again here. Tonight was just the icing on the cake.
  24. Now you’re bagging on other people? People you don’t even know? You can bag on me all I want. But you really crossed a very big line tonight. VERY BIG line.
  25. A picture of me. You don’t know how to crop a picture? What as ass Clueless.
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