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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. No he’s not. And dude popped right back up and preceded to win how many Super Bowls? You may want to put a little more thought into your memes in the future.
  2. Yeah I noticed C-Section didn't respond to my question regarding the effectiveness of technology. But he watched Narco so he knows.
  3. Fixed income is always a bit tricky. Why I tell my retired clients any fixed income you need for 3-5 years should be pretty much in cash. They usually look at me like I'm crazy but they are loving me this year. And I'm talking fixed income needs above and beyond their SS.
  4. Keep in mind the bank "has" the money not the account holder until they take it out. And the bank is not sitting on the money.
  5. Why I like living in OC “My department is being put in the middle of some strife that occurs throughout the community — in positions that are not consistent with the First Amendment. We are not the mask police, nor do I intend to be the mask police.” Can I get my ***** hair cut now?
  6. So much for living in infamy. FDF is going to come back and kick Joe in the nuts.
  7. To be fair this doesn’t necessarily belong in a thread about liberal protests. It belongs in a thread about idiot protests.
  8. And what type of tech? I seriously would like to know. Are there studies that show high tech and human safeguards are more effective and cost efficient. So Trump has not said ALL Mexicans are rapists but he’s demonized ALL Mexicans. Ok ok thanks again for your clarification. ??
  9. So what is your plan for the remote areas? How many people have you met that are here illegally and where did they come across? Having said that a wall I the remote areas makes more sense to me. I think a “funnel” is better than a wall to be honest. And you can’t speak for what “many on the left” have said. So I take it you’ve not been paying attention to that “conversation” which is fine. Not sure how you could have missed it though. You do know that is way so many accuse him of being a racist right? EDIT: Sorry I missed your link. So you have been paying attention and you do feel that Trump said all Mexicans are criminals and rapists. So you were making an insinuation.Now that I think about it it appears you were not making an insinuation but an accusation. Thanks for the clarification. ??
  10. Confused?? You asked for evidence that he ever won a case and I gave you two. Where’s the confusion?
  11. Do you feel that a secure border is an important part to a good immigration policy? So you don’t feel that Trump was saying all Mexicans are criminals and if not can you at least agree that many on the left, include the “unbiased media” claimed he did? I noticed you didn’t answer my question about your thoughts on immigration. What would you suggest is good immigration policy?
  12. Yes Case of the Terrified Typist Case of the Deadly Verdict. And those were just against Mason who must have learned his courtroom tactics from Bill Belichick.
  13. Weaponized? Nah conservatives (no cult here) feel that it’s important to have a secure border and a viable immigration policy for many reasons. What are your thoughts on immigration?
  14. Illustrative? Is that a new tactic to get out of saying stupid *****? One man’s illustration is another’s insinuation. So counselor what were you insinuating?
  15. No. Burger was good he was just no match for Mason.
  16. Who said all Mexicans are criminals?
  17. With you it is. Here’s the really cool thing. You don’t have to read his tweets or listen to him.
  18. Wrong thread.
  19. Trump Trump Trump!! What does many of us choosing not to where a mask unless we are required to have to do with Trump? And no pretzels here. It’s pretty straight forward.
  20. I don't think he wanted to either. I imagine he went to bed and woke up to....I won??? WTF???
  21. This opens up a ton of questions mostly regarding cash flow. And when I say cash flow I'm talking about starting today to the day you die and how to have the best lifestyle today and when you stop or cut way back on working. I like telling people it's not about becoming rich it's about not becoming poor.
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