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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. It will eventually burn out. They always do. But im all for use of force to squash this thing. Crack skulls, water cannons, tear gas, armored vehicles, comfy chairs. But bullets? Not so sure.
  2. Spell it out for me. ACTUAL situation?? Holy ***** dude. It’s a hypothetical situation that you’ve changed several times. And I can play the absurd hypo game too. Is your gun legal and properly permitted? ? But if we’re going with your last situation if you shoot someone outside your business and they are rushing you and trying to take your weapon (Which wasn’t part of your ACTUAL situation) then you likely have a claim of self defense. But regardless I will tell you this. You’re gonna get hauled in and will have lots of explaining to do.
  3. Jesus dude you add something new to your story every time. So now they are trying to take your weapon? Anything else you want to add? Are they lobbing grenades? Rolling up in a tank? Flamethrowers? Clear enough.....? ?
  4. Again it was likely option A that I didn’t make my point clear. Here’s my take. It’s kind of weird and extreme but here goes. I’d rather have the looters do their thing make themselves look like the ***** idiots that they are and get tired and move along vs becoming martyrs for their cause. Ok now that I expressed it it’s not weird or extreme at all. LOL. This ain’t WWII and this ain’t George Patton. “This isn’t about dying for one’s country. It’s making sure the other son of a b*tch dies for his!”
  5. So you’re standing in front of your place of business and you shoot people that are “determined” to destroy your property and you shoot them? Who has made this determination and what is it based on? Well this is my second post in a row mentioning this town (well I grew up there). I hope you like Attica because that’s were you may end up.
  6. Good lord dude. At no time have I said they don’t have a right to defend themselves. I’m saying it’s a VERY BAD idea to shoot protesters/rioters whatever. Regarding Oakland. It appears that you have actually gone and read the story. First of you say an FBI agent which led me to believe (and probably correctly) that you were referencing a story you didn’t have all the facts. You have the right to defend yourself yes. My point and either a) I’ve not not too good a job of making it or b) you’re too hysterical to get it is this. You have protesters/rioters facing off against law enforcement. One shot is fired and all hell breaks loose and it is going to end very very badly. Think of the Attica prison riots.
  7. Again you shoot dead unarmed violent protesters (and a vast majority of them are unarmed) it’s not going to end well. That’s a damn slippery slope. And regarding your FBI agent comment. I won’t address it at this point until you come back with some facts in the case because you obviously don’t have them.
  8. Absolutely! And in a court of law you better be dammed ready to. If you shoot someone in your home or place of business you better have some damn good proof your life was in danger.
  9. Good luck with the long term ramifications of law enforcement going in guns a blazin. No I don’t think he was.
  10. Now it’s being threatened with bodily harm. Which is it. Protecting their business or their lives?
  11. I disagree. There are many non-lethal means to disperse violent crowds.
  12. No they do not.
  13. So you’re for shooting dead unarmed violent protesters? You don’t see this as extreme? Well of course you don’t.
  14. Shot dead? No! But cracking skulls? You bet.
  15. Renounced? What trains a dog better? Wagging your finger and saying “bad dog” or whacking him in the nose with a rolled up newsy?
  16. I’m pretty sure the “they” he was referring to in his second paragraph were the same people in his first paragraph that he knows. ?
  17. Ok folks. Time for some SATURDAY MORNING LEVITY!!!
  18. Oh the ***** irony is thick with this one. This is thrown out a lot here but this time it really rings true. You are REALLY embarrassing yourself here
  19. So you know no one who has lost their job, livelihood or business that they have put in blood, sweat, tears and their life savings in to? I suggest you get out of your safe and secure little bubble and find someone who had. It shouldn’t be difficult. Once you do ask them how slight this inconvenience is. I suggest you maintain social distancing when you do. Not due to the virus but due to the fact they may, and should, kick you in the nutz.
  20. Ahhhhh the ole “shut up they have the freedom to express themselves” liberal meme.
  21. Explain Trump’s role in this.
  22. I assume you posted something similar when Baltimore burned after Obama called them thugs?
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