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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Why is that a good thing?
  2. I agree. Just as we don’t need a new thread about Trump being an idiot we don’t need new ones about AOC’s idiocy.
  3. He wants to be hauled into the police and investigated for murder and go through life knowing he killed someone for chasing him? You are some level of idiot you know that.
  4. Yeah that’s awesome. ?
  5. I hope he’s doing this: Judge: How do you plead Zimmerman: My Client pleads “guilty as *****”. Throw the book at him Defendant: What the?!?! Hey a guy can dream can’t be?
  6. Black lives matter you *****! That is just some ***** up ***** right there.
  7. Time for some new friends.
  8. I'm staying away from FB for that exact reason.
  9. Kudos to those that tried to protect them. That has to be some scary *****. Attacked by a mob.
  10. I tossed a ball of fresh mozzarella at a local cop just now.
  11. De-evolution.
  12. “Hands up!” ? Drunk fat and virus ridden is no way to go through life.
  13. ?????????????? No really..... ?????????????? This was sarcasm right?
  14. Dammit. Beat me to it. LOL
  15. Uh oh........
  16. But to have it shown live? Not sure. I imagine there will be video of it. But landing on a ship?? That's ***** awesome regardless!!
  17. I lived in the Bay Area of almost 10 year so we visited a ton. Sonoma 30 times the three years alone. I will tell you why we preferred Sonoma. Yes the wine is better in Napa but it's a pain to get to and because it's smaller than Sonoma a lot more crowded. And what Sonoma has a lot more of than Napa? CHEESE!!!
  18. I have a feeling that was done on purpose in case is didn't go as planned.
  19. So far so good! ?
  20. Probably heading to WNY in August and no I don't. We did a company trip there last year and stayed at Meadowood. It was awesome especially when we didn't have to pay for it. When we lived up there we loved Sonoma a lot more than Napa but won't say no to a free trip to that resort.
  21. Take off eh... When it takes off and they don’t “cooo loo coo coo coo coo coo coo! Coo loo coo coo coo coo coo coo!” I’ll be really disappointed.
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