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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. And your interpretation of "at risk" and the court's interpretation may vary. Lot's of guys being very cavalier with their thoughts of using a deadly weapon to protect their place of business. And there it is. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump. It's your answer for everything isn't it. You're extremely boring.
  2. Your true colors are showing and it's not a pretty sight.
  3. Sorry dude. You discharge your weapon and kill someone in your home or your place of business you're going in to the police station. You'll get questioned in detail and you may even be detained and potentially charged. There will be an investigation and you're life will likely change forever. I suggest, if you have not yet done so, you take a home invasion course. Living in Oakland we felt it was something we needed and did.
  4. Of course @BillStime you would think this is funny. You're a ***** tool.
  5. Why do you agree that the NRA should be deemed a terrorist organization?
  6. But I still feel it’s dangerous. You can rebuild your business. You can’t rebuild your life. Why that guy had his wife there is beyond me. Board it up and keep the hell away or stay inside.
  7. What was it? I tell you what it was. It was..... MEANINGLESS!!!!!!! ?????????
  8. I may need to rethink my position. This is getting real ugly. *****.
  9. Yes I'd choose to let it go vs find myself and any of my employees in cuffs potentially charged with murder or make a bad situation totally ***** up. In what way? Be specific Joe.
  10. The same justification you have for shooting people maybe??
  11. We’ve been here but I’ll restate. If you’re standing outside your business armed very little good will come of it. We do not want to even come close to making a martyr out of any of these jackasses. Give me ***** but if your business is burned there is a great chance you will get the funds to rebuild. I say stay away and let bright lights shine on these *****sticks.
  12. And for those of you that will say “if he only had a gun.......” If you’re worried about being chased and attacked and will carry a gun just in case that happens? I give you the same message I give to those worried about the virus. Stay home.
  13. How do they define personal income? I got a tax refund for the first time in years and the budgeting system I use recorded it as “income”. So were the stimulus checks counted at income? Does this include the unemployment checks? If so and it likely does no one needs to work. This is proof that the government can take care of all of us! ?
  14. I know. How dare she make “interesting” comments.
  15. Handing out money to raise havoc? I couldn’t hear what he said other than “there are three picnic tables up here”. Maybe he was giving him money to go buy some sandwiches so the could have a picnic. ?
  16. What did he do to get chased down? Of course you don’t know. Did he deserve it? Who knows but advocating shooting someone does not make you a tough guy. IMO it makes you an idiot and a HUGE part of the problem.
  17. That would be great if that was the scenario here. But it’s not. And him?
  18. Great. So you’re going to show up at violent protest with a gun. What ever could go wrong? Hot lead. ?
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