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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Because there is something to be said for tradition and respect. Many feel there is a time place to offer up your protest/disagreement and to do that during a time of respectfulness to them is inappropriate.
  2. Those with the issue are likely not saying it's offensive. They feel it's disrespectful.
  3. So know a knee is a good thing? Damn this ***** is so confusing. And your outrage against his outage is misplaced. WORST CONTROVERSY EVER!!!
  4. Sounds like a wonderful group of people. Is this parody?
  5. Who, in your opinion, is silencing those voices the most?
  6. Let's be clear? Ok Mark. It's clear. Very clear. Extremely clear. I've not seen anything this CLEAR in a long time. It's clear you're a ***** idiot!
  7. Yes. You may ignore the orders to wear masks and social distance to fight racism!! But to have a beer at your local pub? Hell no!!!
  8. So now Pat Robertson is cool? I don’t know maybe I’m getting old but I just can’t keep up.
  9. Sorry I missed the humor in your posts.
  10. Yeah that "lives in the Bay Ares" is the confusing part. We eagerly await @Jauronimo adding more clues for his fun game of "Guess the Lawless Person!!"
  11. Let them protest all they want until the curfew. After the curfew they are no longer protesters. The city's leaders need to get that message out. You can peacefully protest all you want during the day but once the curfew sets in you are not longer considered peaceful protesters. Let them know the rules going forward.
  12. @Jauronimo No more questions. Just statements. THESE are the people we are asking the National Guard to "take down". If some people with paper cuts get caught in the cross fire so be it. You don't want your skull cracked stay the ***** home. This ***** has gotten serious.
  13. And just kidding mostly. Danville/Walnut Creek is actually quite nice. I worked in Walnut Creek the last couple of years I lived there. I do miss that area. It's the other side of the tunnel where things kind of go to hell.
  14. Last question? I get one more? Thank you...Thank you for gracing us with your presence and giving us a limited number of questions. Hmmmmm. One last question......One last questions.....choose wisely. Wow this is a lot of pressure. Ok here goes. Did you come down here for a reason or just to be a dick? No I asked you that question before you gave me one last opportunity. Please don't hurt me.
  15. Raider talk? Bay Area? Hours in OTW? Again...who is this you're talking about/ So you're required to be a Bills fan and talk about football in order to participate in sub forums. Hmmmmmm good to know.
  16. Sorry but the East Bay is also a part of the Shithole I'm talking about.
  17. To be fair, the AP assures me that none of that looting ever actually happened. And based on today’s NYT and CNN.com homepages, none of the other events captured in the above videos happened, either. . @Jauronimo You mean these lawless people?
  18. Mine are still locked up and I sleep with the windows open. Ahhhhhhhh. Go glad to be out of that shithole.
  19. Who live in the Bay Area? Again, who are you talking about? And I bet this person you're talking about spends zero time talking football on the message board if he doesn't watch it. Sounds like you don't know much about this person.
  20. When you say "these people" who are you referring to?
  21. I don't know. They went away and became the Soviet Union. But then they came back again. Odd...........?
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