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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Personally I feel they have, for the most part, exercised incredible restraint under the circumstances.
  2. It sucks big time but it isn’t fascism.
  3. So if Hillary had won NONE of this would happen? Explain please. How would she have prevented George Floyd’s murder? Explain how pushing an old man makes him a fascist.
  4. Fascist. If I had a nickel......
  5. Yeah cops were super nice and smelled good until 4 years ago. That bastard Trump!
  6. Well to be fair he looked at you calling him Section 8 is akin to calling him a ######. Geez seeing ###### is censored it rhymes with betard. ? Be nice....he’s hitting the hard stuff tonight.
  7. So in order to support a leader you have to support everything they do? Christian or not. You don’t think for yourself do you? Well tonight you did. You thought “I’m going to get drunk tonight and post stupid ***** online.”
  8. Really? Huh. So you support 100% of everything your favorite politician/leader supports? So is it wine, whiskey or beer? But seriously that’s some really ***** up logic right there.
  9. Of course your post wasn’t directed at me. I was just looking for clarification. Thanks.
  10. I don’t like to speak for others but point out to me where he said he supported those things. Sure you’ve not been drinking?
  11. So you’ve never heard of someone handing in their resignation and getting the boot? Happens all the time. Keeps the well from being poisoned.
  12. Did you read what Buffalo Timmy wrote or did you start madly typing your reply before it actually sunk in? I asked the guy at the range several months ago. He said if you’ve purchased your weapon in the last five years you’re in the system and he said you may get approval right there. I asked “if not?” he said up to 6 months. And he wasn’t being facetious.
  13. In California that means 3-6 months. Maybe I shouldn’t say this but I asked the wife this morning what we had. She said “15 rounds”. Been nice knowing y’all!
  14. A stranger asks me a question on the street and when I talk cuts me off I walk away. And she kneels on command. ?
  15. I'm not sure what you're saying here. Are you asking how I can control MY socio-economics, area of residence, education, proximity to crime? I doubt that's what you're saying. I really HOPE that's not what you're saying.
  16. Oh yeah. Sorry my white privilege got in the way.
  17. Oh ok well this is how a wise person addresses the issue.
  18. Say what?? How did he prevent her from speaking? ***** the Golden Rule. I don't care how you want to be treated. I follow the Platinum Rule. Treat me how I want to be treated.
  19. Before I can bestow my wisdom on to you let's define what the real issue is. What is Kap keeling in protest to?
  20. Here's the fun part of this thread: Paint my house?
  21. What would I do? Seriously? I’d.... ??????????????????????????????????
  22. I don't give a ***** what some adult making millions does playing a game. Have at Kap. What I do have an issue with is kneeling accomplishes nothing. That's right nothing. Don't give me that "it brings awareness to the problem" crapola. Awareness does nothing other than make those trying to get the awareness out feel good. You know things like all the pink for "Breast Cancer Awareness". Thank god for that! Up until that I had no idea breast cancer existed. Are we any closer to a cure? How about the bucket challenge for ALS. How about Michelle Obama and the #bringbackourgirls What did that accomplish? Aware, awoke, ahole. It's all just a big LOOK AT ME!!!
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