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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Wash rind cheese I’m making. Too soon?
  2. Now this made me LOL. The world will be a better place. Hmmmm, which generation knocked the old man to the ground? Which generation killed George Floyd? Which generations are doing the looting. Please explain why getting rid of the boomers will make the world a better place. I always love this argument. \ I'm not defending anyone. Trump failed seniors. Jesus Christ. Just stop will ya.
  3. There are several reasons the wife and I didn't have kids. Reason one was because we didn't want anyone bugging us for money. Dead OR alive.
  4. I'm just making it clear that I didn't create the millennials. That's not on me. And you "all" better be good to us. Boomers will likely transfer $70 trillion (yeah trillion). That "Cats Are Us" foundation is looking real good.
  5. Don't blame that spawn ***** on me.
  6. Defend the police? Damn right I defend the police. They have a very hard job and need our support! Huh? What? Oh.....never mind.
  7. Yeah when us boomers die everything will be right in the world.
  8. How should the police handle a “jackhole” during a tense situation?
  9. Snake Plisskin? I thought you were dead.
  10. I know they can't do this but if someone calls the police and they say "sorry...you said ***** us so you're on your own" Imagine doing your job, caring about the work that you do and the people you serve like many officers do and your community, for whatever reason, hates you. Sure communities have "hated" the cops forever but it must be getting real old being hated for doing your job.
  11. Yeah fake news!! He stumbled...stumbled.
  12. When the 1.9 million number came out this week my first response is how many have gone back to work? Looks like a lot! The #orangemanbad crowd “you’re cheering 13% unemployment!!!!!!!!” In 3.....2....1.....
  13. Correct but now they are protesting ALL police. “***** the Police!” Is their war cry.
  14. And those bagging on the cop who pulled the other one away who bent over to help. He immediately got on the radio I assume to call for medical help.
  15. I still get emails from Libby Schaff the hand wringing Mayor of Oakland. They are often good for comedy relief. Today’s email was a good one: Hello Oakland, This week our city, and our country, expressed grief and rage over the state-sponsored killing of George Floyd, a Black man who should be alive today. The anger and profound trauma, particularly experienced in the Black community, is righteous and necessary, and it has exposed — yet again — white America’s failure to address the travesty of our racism. State-sponsored???
  16. Could have been worse. The cop could have been “givin him the business down there ” after he fell to the ground.
  17. I watched it several times. It didn’t look that forceful to me. Again devil’s advocate. I don’t care how old you are. You do not approach a cop likely in a stressful situation and reach out to him.
  18. That’s about all I’m good for here. ?
  19. Hit the guy? I watched that several times. He didn’t hit him.
  20. And it wasn’t even what would consider a forceful shove. It was more of a “move along”. And I do agree to leave him lying there was real bad.
  21. But come on man. Ya gotta give me props for my Nelius Fasc-O-Meter.
  22. And these situations often turn bad. And to play devil’s advocate. These cops were amped up. The guy approached the cop and reached out to him. Sorry old man. Not very smart.
  23. Correct. But it’s getting real close. We’ll be keeping an eye on the Nelius Fasc-O-Meter folks and keep you posted.
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