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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. This aged well. A long forgotten stunt.
  2. Second in line? Did you miss that day in Civics Class?
  3. Minutes after the attack?? 🙄 Go back and read the first comments. Lots of well wishes and “hope he’s ok” posts.
  4. Yup. Under the table slave labor is good for inflation. That’s the only explanation I can come up with regarding your comment. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  5. We do?? How do we know this? When you’ve run out of bullets you throw the gun. 🙄
  6. I’m pretty sure Hannity is not usually wrong. But I don’t pay attention to him much so what do I known. Regarding Scott and Scalise. Have either of them recently said they are going to eliminate SS and Medicare?
  7. I have a feeling this won’t age well.
  8. How do you know if they have not committed a crime if they have not gone to trial. Their guilt or innocence is determined by a jury of their peers not before. We are talking the current bail system that proceeds the trial.
  9. So Hannity was wrong. Now how about all those (including Biden) who are saying that Republicans are saying that NOW as opposed to 12 years ago.
  10. How can you, with a straight face, accuse the right of being a part of some cult and not accuse the left of the same? Both followers of Democrats and Republicans are cut from the same cloth. Neither the GOP nor the Dems give a flying flip about you or me. All they care about is….
  11. Yes we care about facts. Unlike you repeatedly posting the same lie about the GOP threatening to eliminate SS and Medicare. Your brain is so messed up.
  12. Yikes....I may need to rethink my position here. Please define the "truly innocent" who have not yet stood trial.
  13. And many people who have been locked up because they couldn't afford bail did NOT commit the crime. That's my point.
  14. But we are 100 times better with him as President than Kamala.
  15. Multiple times?? You didn’t even answer once. 🙄
  16. Bail is a tough one for me. It locks up those for long periods of time who cannot afford bail. A classic example of guilty until proven innocent. It’s a way to make sure they return for their trial. How about we put an ankle bracelet on those not a threat to the community. They don’t show up we go scoop them up and put them on trial and keep them locked up during it. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Hell we force bracelets on people who get a couple DUI’s that will tell if they’ve had any alcohol
  17. A People’s History of Billy Boy….. Questions are his kryptonite. Good early diagnosis by you. He exhibits classic psychotic symptoms.
  18. Wait until you get to know him better. Your opinion of him will likely vacillate between astounded, hilarity, sadness and boredom. Welcome!
  19. Oh good lord. He is having some cognitive issues but he’s not a vegetable. You guys are insane if you think we’d be better off with Kamala.
  20. And there in lies the problem I’ve mentioned in the past. At least Biden, love him or hate him, has extensive experience on the international stage. Kamala will be crushed internationally. If you don’t understand how important it is to have that experience……🤷🏻‍♂️
  21. Bring on more division? Let’s just get through the next two years with what we have and maybe, just maybe, the two sides will nominate leaders that will work together. Oh how I yearn for the days of Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neil.
  22. I don’t have to sit through a Biden speech to understand how dangerous the lies and rhetoric are. But thanks anyway.
  23. Anyone who would speak out negatively towards a President Harris would be labeled a misogynistic racist. 🙄
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