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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Good idea. They could use a good laugh today. June gloom has hit pretty heard here today. It's actually raining and she's kind of bored. When can you come over? We have an extra white sheet for you.
  2. This just gets better and better. This thread has the makings of a PPP legend.
  3. Can you come to our meeting tonight. They're kind of doubting my level of racism and I need a witness. I'd appreciate it. Bring a covered dish.
  4. Holy smokes folks. Greggy has just passed himself AGAIN and takes the lead in the Irony Post of the Day Award. We might be witnessing history here. Get the popcorn.
  5. Whoa folks. We have a new winner for the Irony Post of the Day Award. Greggy has bested his one post and has upped his game. Stay tuned to see if he can overtake himself.
  6. This is ***** awesome! Anything else you know about me? How long have you been studying me? T
  7. I'm not arguing against ANYTHING. I'm asking for your proof that I'm a racist. You said you have actually posting history that proves I am. So far you've shown nothing. All you have are your words and that is not good enough for me. Show me your proof and THEN I'll have something to argue against. Otherwise STFU because you're getting real pathetic.
  8. It is rough and tumble. Bring your best shot *****stick. Show us were you've come to the conclusion we're racists.
  9. No dude this ain't about me. It's all about YOU? You have accused me of being a racists. That's one hell of an accusation. You say you have basis for this accusation and I'm just asking for you you've come to this conclusion. Otherwise you're full of crap. So I'm just calling you out on it. Ok so now I'm a Nazi. Anything else? Fascist? Homophobe? Xenophobe? Misogynist? T
  10. Holy crap. I missed all of that. God, dude is full of hate. And he accuses us of hatred. ?
  11. Oh no no no. You’ve accused me of being racist. We would love to see how you’ve come to that conclusion. You mentioned specific posts of mine that PROVE I am. Please back up you claim or back down.
  12. We’re all racists because we post on PPP. Or something like that. Dude is ***** clairvoyant. It’s amazing.
  13. Please point to which posts of mine prove that I’m racist.
  14. So I’m probably racist? Explain how you’ve arrived at that conclusion. You accuse me of pretending I know everything? Well you’ve won the irony award of the day and it’s still early. Good job.
  15. Oh we LOVE your “kind” around these parts. Here’s why. We can deem you a tool and have NO idea what race/gender/religious leanings/sexual orientation you are. Kind of how we’d treat you in real life except for that whole racist thing.
  16. You sure know an awful lot about people you’ve likely never met. Tell me oh wise one am I a racist? I need to know because I may have filled out my census wrong. That was one of the questions right?
  17. Keep this ***** up Garcetti and they’ll defund themselves. https://abc7.com/amp/mayor-eric-garcetti-lapd-george-floyd-police-misconduct/6234091/
  18. Well now ain’t this the dumbest thing posted in a long time. @y’all be idiots
  19. No. You don't talk to him and tell him to move on. This isn't some drunk guy approaching them in the beer tent at the county fair Cops are getting pelted with rocks, bottles, bricks and shot at. And keeping the line moving is all they SHOULD be caring about. That is their job at this point. I've never done this so I can't speak for them regarding the tension these guys felt and feel these days and I highly suggest you don't either. And that is common sense. They were clearing the square of some, as you referred to him as, jackhole.
  20. It’s washed with cider vinegar brine. I was going to do wine but decided agains it. Oh and it’s really easy!
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