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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. To those that are marching and chanting "***** the police"? Time to take a couple steps back and think for a moment. https://www.odmp.org/
  2. What problems am I pretending to have? LOL What do you know about what I do with my life to make a difference? LOL Talk about pointless use of one's time. You're the flag bearer of pointless use of one's time. LOL You think I'm here as a freedom fighter? LOL I'm begging for attention? Hmmmmm who's the one getting all the attention today? LOL You're grateful you're not me? You don't even know me. LOL Thank you for making my day. This has been hilarious fun. I've not laughed so much in a long time. And it's been all at your expense. Visit us more often ok.
  3. So what does that make him/us? And what do you have against non-Americans? Methinks you're the racists/xenophobe
  4. You've had several hours to prove to the masses that Chef Jim is a racists and you've not been able to. I assume you think I'm homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, and a few other ics right?
  5. I never thought it was. I assumed it had to do with cards. But I did just look it up and it's attributed to Plutarch.
  6. You say it's easy but you have yet to point to one symptom of my racism. What up with that? Only a racist would consider the idiom "calling a spade a spade" as racists. You are an exception level of dumb aren't you?
  7. And the crowd goes crazy!! @GregPersons turns his threepeat "Ironic Post of the Day" trophy and nails the quadruple inward half gainer into......you guessed it the "Hypocrite of the Day" award. This has been an incredible day of debate gymnastics folks.
  8. I think 15 of those shootings (the 48 discharges minus the 33 OIS) were Barney Fife removing his revolver from his holster. So if we raise minimum wage black on black violence will decrease? I wonder how many of those killings (I don't care about color here) were committed by people where that WAS their job?
  9. There were 1.7 million public contacts by the LAPD in 2019 and only 33 of them resulted in officer-involved shootings. There were only 48 weapons discharges by the LAPD last year. These stats actually blew me away. No pun intended there.
  10. What determines peaceful intent if not age? And I'm not saying age does BTW
  11. So you can't define alt-right. This is all I'm trying to figure out is how you've come to the conclusion that the board and many of us are not only alt-right but batshit crazy alt-right. What has prompted you to come to this conclusion? Convince me we are. I'm open minded.
  12. Ahhhh so you were monitoring their stress levels. You ARE clairvoyant. Cool. Why not? At what age does harmlessness set in?
  13. Dude, I'm not asking you to convince anyone to change their mind. I just want you explain why you think this board is alt-right. It's not. Not even close. But you seem to think it is and if that's the case you either a) can't define alt-right (which you conveniently dodged b) you're just throwing things out there to stir the pot (troll) or c) you just have no idea what you're talking about. Personally I'm going with d) all of the above. So how long have you been following PPP? I see you have 117 posts and 116 of them have been this morning. So how is it you know all about PPP and the people that post here on a regular basis. Hmmmm................ Ok. Can they support a Nazi regime? Alt-right? Murderous dictatorship? So many tags so little time.
  14. Laugh at what? Your ridiculous post? Ok. ?????????????????????????????????? Deep breath ??????????????????????????????????
  15. I’ve asked this of a few that have come here recently with the same type of accusations. First define alt-right and then point to those you accuse of being alt-right and why. Whenever I do this the silence is deafening.
  16. Ok so how would you like me to prove I’m not a racist? Isn’t it MUCH easier for you to prove the opposite. You know point your finger at a post(s) and say “ha!!! Seeeeee! That’s some racist ***** right there!!” Go for it.
  17. Yes!!!! He’s done or a gain folks!! The triple crown!! He wins the “Ironic Post of the Day!!” three times. It’s a Threepeat!! Can he go for four? We wait and watch
  18. No no no. You accused me! It’s up to you to back up your claim. That’s how it works.
  19. Badger? Nope. Seeking clarification. Always seeking clarification. You asked for proof you’re angry and have become unhinged. I provided proof. Lots of proof. So I’m still waiting for proof I’m a racist. Must be easy seeing you were so quick to point an accusatory finger.
  20. @GregPersons You have us agreeing with Niagara Bill. This is impressive. I've always said a common enemy will unite us. Until aliens attack (are they getting close @Deranged Rhino?) we have Greg. Good job!
  21. Here you go @GregPersons I think this is pretty good proof you're unhinged, angry and pointing the "racists!!!" finger at a lot of people you don't know at all. I stopped at ten (I think) examples. It was pretty easy. So Greg, the ball is in your court.
  22. Find them?? They're all over the place on perfect display.
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