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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. This is great! Deplorable v2 Bag on the President all you want. He deserves it sometimes. But when you start saying his supporters do not have working minds you piss people off. Go Hillary go!!
  2. Again read what he said. We are racists because it takes piles of dead bodies to get us to act. See if we just go along our daily lives during all this we are automatically racists. In Greggy's head if we don't speak out against these things we are for these things. He has the logic of a flea.
  3. To be fair Doc it's not that whites are not doing the majority of the killing. Here's what I think makes us racist. We don't condemn racism with every post we make on social media We are not out marching in lock step with the BLM in protest of the way blacks are treated by the police We are against defunding the police And here's the kicker. We are still posting food pics on Facebook and Instagram. Oh the horror! So get with the program you racists bastards! Conform or be required to wear a yellow R on your shirts. Or we will deface your place of business and paint BLM on the front to label you not like them. Wow......am I the only one who just had a major case of deja vu? Come on you must be WOKE!!
  4. You live in a fantasy world don’t you. You have brought shame on no one on this board other than probably yourself. And funny you should mention magical thinking. To you anyone who states they are a conservative magically becomes a racists. With that thinking alone you have reduced that term to zero meaning. When everything is racist nothing is racist. Do us (and yourself) a favor. Define racist.
  5. It’s not how I define myself you dumb *****. You just assume that every conservative is racist. That’s fine. Be ignorant. It’s not very becoming but it’s who you are. I’m just glad I got you to admit it. In Greg’s tiny mind all conservatives are racists. Good luck defending that one here. Goodnight.
  6. Ahhhhh. So finally you show your hand. I’m conservative therefore I’m a racist. Thanks for laying your ignorance out there for all to see.
  7. Oh I have a great impact on you Greggy. I’m so deep in your head. You think I’m a racist but can’t quite tell me why. You tell me to rot I hell. Oh I have a deep impact on you.
  8. Who is laughing at the dead? And such anger Greggy. Sorry I’ve upset you so much.
  9. Piles of dead bodies. Good lord. The hysteria.
  10. You call people an idiot as an aside? Ok.
  11. Elmo finds himself in the wrong protest.
  12. Excuse me? You don’t agree that the Rodney King riots pale in comparison?
  13. Chicken ***** mother *****. ???????
  14. Because they have no clue but dammit they KNOW the world will end soon if we don’t do green stuff.
  15. He’s the class of 2022. That may not be good enough? What the ***** does that even mean?
  16. Grampa from Ancona. Last name Giovanelli. Changed it (lot legally) when he came to the US via Canada. Interviewed for a sous chef position with a guy from Italy. Last name? Giovanelli. I asked where he was from and he said Ancona. I asked was that a popular name there. He said no, probably 5 Giovanelli’s in the phone book. Talk about paisan. Probably a cousin of some sort. LOL
  17. No worries man. I live in SoCal and was very much a part of those riots. I was forced to stay at the hotel in Long Beach where I worked. It was only a few blocks from home but they still wouldn’t let me leave. Those riots were bad but not as widespread as these have been. I “blame” social media.
  18. I missed that. @GregPersons we frown on crusades here. Interesting how all our other lib friends were mostly MIA all day.
  19. The Rodney King riots ALREADY look like a walk in the park in comparison.
  20. Half Portuguese and nobody knows what race that is. LOL!!
  21. I love the smell of liberal hysteria in the morning. It smells like......................victory. I think it's safe to say I'm not that friend.
  22. You might be a racist if......... You think minorities are finally being recognized in this country.
  23. Trying to win? Not sure I would put it this way but when someone comes into our community, someone who's, not to my knowledge anyway, been here much before, and starts calling everyone a racists? And you haven't really done one thing to back up your accusations other that throw out more empty accusations? Yeah I got a problem with that. You did nothing today other than shine a bright light on your absolute ignorance. So if this was your intent? To ruffle some feathers, piss some people off, troll the "racists" of PPP? Bravo. Job (sad job but a job nonetheless) well done.
  24. Oh so now you type faster than me? I doubt it. What you made was cold potato soup. What I made was vichyssoise.
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